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About PhantomX

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    DBC Editing
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  1. First off! He looks nothing like me also what build is this on?
  2. It's mainly just M2 flag along with blp flags I normally use body flag with blp converter and armor flag depending what it is I want to be transparent. Also could you show a screenshot of the model in game?
  3. He's been working on a new map actually from scratch for afterfall.
  4. It's mainly in the export script for blender. addons.rar
  5. Hello everyone, I was wondering if I could get some help on an issue I've been having that's been driving me nuts tbh. my issue is that when I export the M2i the new M2i has doubles I.E No doubles 11k vert count, New M2i has doubles now... This is a very annoying bug that is related to redux because the old versions of m2mod did not have this issue as Cara Calena AKA Redaxle the creator of M2Mod even stated in the release notes, so I'd like to know what was changed in redux that is causing these doubles to form. Thank you for the help.
  6. Could be one of two things, one face texture size might be wrong or two it's not using the new textures. I don't mod vanilla so I don't know what file names it has but I'd compare your files to the original and make sure everything matches up I.E. HumanMaleFaceUpper00_00 must have HumanMaleFaceLower00_00 and so on and of course make sure your textures actually have those names. Every Upper needs a Lower.
  7. What version of MoP are you trying to mod? I've modded 5.4.8, 5.4.2 and 5.4.0 basically just have to open the exe in a decompiler and change some strings. P.S. Also a note John doesn't remove glue protection so like Rangon said above you have to remove it yourself.