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  1. what is purpose of character\racename\gender\racenamenpc.mdx in creaturemodeldata.dbc ?
  2. yes i 1st run throught TIXD than multiconverter.... i know that mechacycle works...i have one patch that has it as working model but has no particles....i guess i need to add them somehow :'D but some models r invisible ,even i saw them on some servers....i am guessing something is not working correctly and needs fix
  3. for some reason even i run throught both converters and alpha is 255 my model is still invisible. tried both with shadowlands and bfa clients...same : check mechacycle ....
  4. hey....did u manage in the end to make this work? if u did,can u please expain how u did it?(i would need at least one spell from this ,Storm, Earth, and Fire for example to see if it would work with warrior)