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About Nightfall

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    Level Design
    DBC Editing

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  1. i was wondering how you did this? id love to get more wildstar models but im not sure how to go about getting them and then converting them into the wow format. if you can explain or help that would be awesome thank you
  2. Did you every get your vulpera working? if so i have a few questions could you send me a dm on discord Rwise#9551 i have it sorta working but had a few questions to ask thank you.
  3. the skin hair ears beards etc would be located in the character race dbc files there about 3 or 5+ of them can't remember that stores all that info and would need the new ones pathed in there for them to work. Hopefully this helps a little bit it's been a while since ive messed with anything like that.
  4. Sadly the only way to get any of the new bfa stuff to work is by doing Txid on it aka editing it in 010 editor and connecting the correct blps to where they need to go.