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About Alucard

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    DBC Editing

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  1. Can confirm "I've changed the following files using WDBX:CharBaseInfo.db2 (added the new class/race combinations)CharStartOutfit.db2 (added male and female starting outfits)I also edited these tables in HeidiSQL:playercreateinfo (added starting point for new character)playercreateinfo_action (assigned starting spells to action bar)player_levelstats (added stats for level 1-110)" Is all you need. Make sure the .dbc files are client side so it will show you the ability to create the classes. If you don't know how to do this or are still interesting in doing this, I have information on how to do it.
  2. Any ideas?
  3. Having an issue where it says "Unable to load CDN config. Followed setup on last guide. Posted on GitHub about the issue.
  4. Having issues getting the client to connect to the CDN I have hosted. Not sure if I'm missing files or something...
  5. If anyone needs the CDN files PM me in Discord. Alucard141