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About Skarn

  • Rank
    Head of KGB

Personal Information

  • Specialty
    Level Design


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About Me

I am a World of Warcaft modder mainly specializing in different kinds of clientside work. I have been involved in the scene since the beginning of 2012. My main speciality is level design (mapping) and conceptual work. Though, sometimes I also do 3D modelling and DBC Editing. Recently I have also started developing Sweetscape 010 editor scripts for different tasks in WoW modding and writing content for this community.

I live in Russia and currently studying in a university. I speak Russian, English and is also learning German, currently at the beginner level. Amateur guitar player. Listening to metal, rock and instrumental music. 

Modding is actually my hobby and I usually do it just for fun. Though, doing commisions is possible. Unfrotunately, with some rare exceptions I tend to not work with Russian people due to enitrely financial reasons (currency exchange rates). Sorry for that.

If you have some questions, offers or whatever to me, feel free to contact me on Skype or throw me a message here. Contacting me on e-mail, social networks or other communities is ineffective, most likely I will never see the message. So, please use two mentioned ways of communication. If your question is a kind of help request, please try to look it up on the board first. Unique problems are quite rare and it is likely that somebody has already faced similar issue before.

Thanks for reading and happy modding on! :)