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  1. What is it ? W Combinator is a funding/support program for new WoW emulation projects trying to create new content on this game. The World of Warcraft Emulation is slowly dying because of the lack of players and the abundance of amateur servers. What we are trying to do is to give good chances to promising ideas and innovative projects. Who are we ? For now, we are a team of 2. Partners for more than 5 years, we started working on WoW servers in 2008. We have been on more than 30 servers, 10 of them have been in the top 20 on Top Lists, 2 are still running. D* is a server manager and web security and a MySQL developer. R* is a website developer. What do we provide you ? If you are selected to be mentored by W Combinator, you will have access to multiple social skills and development utilities. We will try to make your experience. One year hosting on a server adequate to the needs. A domain name (.com, .eu, .co.uk …). Server installation and maintenance. Payment for required external developer / designer services. Customized website. Who is eligible for this ? For this first edition, we will try this experience with only one project. The next editions will surely take up to 3 projects in probably other versions of the game. For now, we would like to take a server that we can surely help with the knowledge and means that we have. The project has to be already clear in the mind of his owner, the main idea must be clear and fit into this conditions Version 3.3.5 No Lvl 225 No VIP access / mod No Pay to Win How can I apply ? If you are interested in our program and feel like your project could be the one, don’t hesitate. Send us an email in this form at wcombin@gmail.com. The deadline is 30 september. We will inform you of our deliberation (if the server owner agrees) on the 3rd of December. Server Name : Server Owner Alias ; Server Version : Server Type (Blizzlike, Fun, Ultra Fun, PvP) : Innovative ideas : Server pitch (Max 120 words) : Server team (if there’s) : Member Alias, Member Age, Member Function Member Skills What is already done: (screenshots) To Do List : Why This Project (Max 120 words) Edit : 03/10/2021 Due to the lack of applications, we didn't have the chance to meet a really interesting project that we would invest in. So we are sorry to announce that the first edition is canceled. Thank you