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About Ayahuasca

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  1. Hello ! Nice guide, though I wonder why "put viciousalliancespider.m2 about 15 times in there" when it comes to TXID part ?
  2. Hi there ! Ayahne (https://model-changing.net/profile/6413-ayahne/) retro-ported this model since I asked for someone to make it against a financial counterpart. He made it for free cause it was Christmas. ? It therefore belongs to the modding community since he did not only send it to me, but posted it in response to my topic (here). I made this blizzlike version of the pet (dancing and sneezing) : Get inspired and enjoy the cuteness ? THANK YOU, AYAHNE. Grab the retro-ported model he provided from his comment below.
  3. Yes, It's quite long bitween each of my action here. I'm migrating from TrinityCore to AzerothCore and I do not spend enough time on my project these days. So here is a look at what was expected, displayed on a fresh toon over the fresh AC (icon may change but the result is still there, I've implemented only one spell in the skill line for now)
  4. OK, after I found a moment to work on this, I just openned my files. What was wrong was set in the SkillRaceClass.dbc file. It's about the flag. I used flag 128 (don't ask why I tried being a magician) but this was not the right one. Changing it to 1040 made this work ! I'll post screenshots of what it looks like when I'll get back from work tonight.
  5. I tried creating a new SkillLine in SkillLine.dbc, then editing SkillLineAbility.dbc to have a spell using it, but I have no new tab in my spellbook. I'm probably not handling it correctly ?
  6. Hi there ! I made some custom spells, now I stuggle trying to avoid them being sorted in the "General" tab of the Spellbook. I would like it to be sorted in a new one, that would be called "Avatars" (or "Avatar" or something related), with its new icon. The same way spells are sorted in spec tabs for classes, like the frost spells of mages are sorted in the "Frost" tab of their spellbook. Except this new tab must be in all classes' spellbook (no race/class restriction) ! I've played with the SkillLine, SkillLineAbility and SkillRaceClassInfo DBCs without success. Can someone help me with this ? Has anyone already put custom spells in a new tab of the spellbook, for every race/class ? I'm working over WotLK 3.3.5 client/server (powered by TC). See attached image. And do not be impressed by my Paint.exe skills.
  7. Hi ! I was wondering how to make something similar : I want my custom spells to be added in a new spec tab (a spec tab that doesn't already exists). The new tab would be something like "Avatars" with a new icon. It would be available for all races/classes, the same way the "General" tab is. How do you manage to add a new tab and make it working for all classes and all races ?