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About merkas

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    Level Design
  1. Hi, Im having some culling problem with some objects that disseapears unless the camera is very close, or the player is close to the objects: For instance : Camera Far away: Camera a little more close: The objects are size between 0.9 or 1.1 If i copy/paste and set the objects size a little more high, like 1.4 , the issue is fixed. However, i have a lot of objects with this problem and i dont understand why i have this issue with the objects at scale 1 They are wotlk objects, and the map is custom wotlk . Not porting whatsoever, and im currently using the last version of noggit (3378) Is there is a way to fix this without rescaling all the objects? Most regards. EDIT: I found the explination for this. In WOTLK and before, objects have a "size category" that is measured by the bounding box of the object (wich is measured by the scale, rotation and position). If that category is 1 or bellow, the objects fade unless too close. So i need to change the scale and rotations of the objects until the size category is at least 1.5 (i think). The objects im using have a low bounding box because i think they are meant to be used in enclosed spaces, so i need them to scale them a little bit more high. The size category is detailed in the object detail info window on noggit (wich appears after pressing F8 while selecting an object) Regards