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About Callmephil

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  1. Most of the item enchantments are done in the DBC you probably want to look into that instead.
  2. If I remember well, for item slot and position etc it's all in item.dbc Find an item that suits your idea and replace the item you want to modify with it. update both in server + client dbc and you should get what you want. another option is to look at the spell "Titan's grip" and see if you can duplicate its behavior to fit your needs.
  3. Thanks for sharing, Much appreciated.
  4. The files have been re-uploaded here. Community Client – Google Drive The project is discontinued at the moment, so database/server-side scripts are most probably outdated.
  5. Most likely will not work because visual assets are missing. You'll also need to import spellIcons, blp etc..
  6. Amazing! What are you using for custom map creations?
  7. There are no known or public methods for customizing modern clients, So your best bet would be to start working on a 3.3.5 fresh client, it would not be perfect but it's the best solution at the moment. The rest is totally possible, we have seen custom expansions built in the by members, If you don't feel like learning programming languages and you are not very interested in the subject, you'd for sure need someone with intermediate experience in Lua, SQL, c++ Otherwise, I'd suggest you start with the basics, set up a server, and play around with the code to create some quests, and items. mobs etc play around with events and basic scripting. Then you can jump on server modification and create an encounter, changes the behavior of a spell, and such. There's a great mod made by Rochet2 called Eluna-Engine if you're afraid of c++ you can write stuff in LUA which is far simpler. For retro-porting, there are a lot of resources you can start with. for example, you mentioned custom U.I you'll need to tap into modifying or creating addons for the game. Eluna Engine helps does that too for retro-port of content maps, models you'd need to understand what is a DBC and how they affect the game a good doc can be found here lastly, you can find a lot of retro port content on this forum and guide on how to retro port content yourself. Hope this helped a little bit!
  8. I retired from the emulation scene couple of years ago. Yet every day since the release of the classic client I'm asking myself the same question, What if we can mod the classic client? The engine is a port of Battle of Azeroth, which probably means it would allow overcoming lots of client limitations when it comes to retro-porting and creation of custom models. Hermes proxy method is a milestone for sure and what brotalnia did is incredible, however, the gap between reverse engineer packets to build a communication channel and reverse engineer the client to inject custom content is a tremendous task. As far as I know, The people who manage to achieve such an exploit in the past are a long time gone, That's probably why we haven't seen any custom clients mods post 3.3.5.
  9. Implementing a new resource will be a hassle if you're still a novice, but you can start by cloning rogue logic (with energy) and see how it goes.
  10. Downport content to 3.3.5 and up-port it to 4.3.4. There's a tutorial on mod-craft
  11. Assuming you're running on windows, Have you setup the host file ? C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc (hosts.txt) Also as far as i remember if you want to run a public realm on your local machine, if you wanted to logging you had to use your localhost address ( to connect as realmlist.
  12. for mounts speed, recent trinity core doesn't allow extra mounts for some unknown reason you have to use the old spell_generic script. for models i guess it's cache/server restart (if all content was added)