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About Nortwin

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    Level Design

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  1. FuTa has a feature like this, try that
  2. u cant do anything about it stop caring stop shitposting stop breathing
  3. ok chase but ur not welcome on RPH ok because you made this big shitstorm even though it would be nice to have you around youre too much of a big meme nowadays sad that u couldnt just accept the fact that this world isnt your fairy tale you should just deal with it cuz nothing's gonna happen rph is not gonna get bombed out of nowhere and your addon is not gonna get removed from our forums have a good day
  4. why are you mad ? those addons prob took 5 mins to code not like its a 3 months work project
  5. yeah well nobody cares about your stupid Lua skills its a stupid shit if u want people not to copy ur stuff go do real programming instead of being a lil bitch and taking it personal when somebody modifies your work take it as a gesture of respect I mean after all they took your work because its useful
  6. my dad abused me when i was a teen oh my god i'm so sorry i didnt know you were abused as a teenager but back off you faggot make more stuff we can steal please thanks