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About demiurge777

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  1. Hi and thx in advance, Maybe this has already been answered somewhere else but then i have been unable to find it. I am working with WotLK 3.3.5 on an azerothcore btw. OK what do i wanna do: make a new skin texture for bloodelf males i succeeded in: extracting a blp from mpq or casc edditing it in PS export the blp merge the plp back into an mpg replace an already existing texture work with CharSections.dbc What have i tried or found out In CharSections.dbc are 0-18 textures defined for bloodelf males. BloodElfMaleSkin00_00.blp to BloodElfMaleSkin00_09.blp with Flag 17 (Playable Race) BloodElfMaleSkin00_10.blp to BloodElfMaleSkin00_12.blp with Flag 5 (Deathknight Skin) BloodElfMaleSkin00_100.blp to BloodElfMaleSkin00_105.blp with Flag 8 (NPC) (img01) I created new files for TextureName_1 (Character\BloodElf\Male\BloodElfMaleSkin00_13.blp) TextureName_2 (Character\BloodElf\Male\BloodElfMaleSkin00_13_Extra.blp) Added a new entry to the dbc Set the RaceID to 10 (Bloodelf) SexID to 0 (Male) BaseSection to 0 (Skin) TextureName_1 to Character\BloodElf\Male\BloodElfMaleSkin00_13.blp TextureName_2 to Character\BloodElf\Male\BloodElfMaleSkin00_13_Extra.blp TextureName_3 to nothing Flags to 17 (Playable Race) VariationIndex to 0 ColorIndex to 19 Saved the file CharSections.dbc Added it to my Patch-9.mpq Cleared the WOW cache: Fired up the game..... Nothing changed Copied the dbc in the Server\dbc folder. No change. inserted the image at colorIndex 10 ( img1), incrementing ALL following indexes AND filenames by 1 changed the names of the physical files as well still nothing..... i searched the database files for a fixed number of textures for characters. did the same in the dbc's searched the c++ code opened m2 and skin files with 010 ( & is this maybe hardcoded into the client? any, really ANY help is appreciated!!!! thx a lot is it possible this is hardcoded into the gameclient?