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About Nexfury

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  • Birthday March 17

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  1. I am looking for information on this issue that only appears at this specific location on the map. I think it's an invisible box which was fixed during development for graphical reasons. I suspect a script file that might be the cause of the problem. (sorry I use a translator)
  2. Hi, I also noticed that increasing the force of the brush too much for the relief tore the map. Gently on the force of the brush. Otherwise as Mew said, in the assist menu ==> fix gaps
  3. Hi, I am currently working on stormwind in version 3.3.5. I deleted the wmo object from stormwind in noggit so I ended up on the map. The problem as you can see on the video, when I turn the camera, part of the map and the character disappear. Can someone enlighten me? Thank you capture_wow1.mp4
  4. Good morning all !! My problem is solved. For M2 exports, I used an "OBJtoM2" script. (link ==>tools of Amaroth) Regarding the edited WMOs, you have to find the right version of blender and configure it properly. For that I send you the youtube channel of Amaroth. (for me an excellent guy for tutorials, modeling and the rest ...) Resolved topic
  5. Good morning all ! I'm new to this great forum and enjoy everything I read. First I want to clarify that I use a translator, really sorry if my English is not good. I come to ask for a little help for a small personal project that I would like to set up. (sorry if the subject is already existing) I will want to modify buildings in wow 3.3.5 with Blender. I followed the LINK tutorial. My problem concerns the export. When I want to export to WMO or M2, I get this error message. I have used several version of blender with different scripts, but never managed to export. So I tried another technique. OBJ ==> M2 But custom textures don't place properly. Could someone tell me if there is a good Blender + Script Import / Export compilation (wmo, m2i or other) please?