Xion Hearthem

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About Xion Hearthem

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    Level Design

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  1. i may be doing something stupid here but when i use the converter and load it up in game my game appeares to just crash soo im not sure what it going wrong
  2. im not sure how im doing it wrong but i followed everything writtain but when i press enter it gives me this error im a little confused on what im doing wrong any advice would be great thanks.
  3. sadly it is looking like barncastle has stopped development of the project which as i said half a year ago its shame.
  4. Nice find Um i tried doing it exactly as stated but somehow my exe doesent have the thing that needs changeing any advice would be appreciated :) (and yes it is the correct version)
  5. is this still being worked on or is it dead in the water? i really hope its not dead cause this tool has been so helpful over past year's and honestly cant imagine not using it
  6. I can honestly say im impressed by how well it works an was wandering is there any plans at this stage as to supporting up to legion as well? other then that nice job
  7. Basically im looking for a good 010 script that is able to convert models up to legion Similar to how allistor's script does the opposite effect as in makeing the specific m2 model be able to work in legion instead Any Help would be much appreciated p.s thanks
  8. actualy delete my second comment realised i was looking at the correct forum post any help would be apppreaciated
  9. Is there a way to do this but to older models upconvert to legion itself?
  10. Is this thing still being worked on?
  11. i have a problem. I put my map in but for some reason the cata objects remain however without collision can you by chance please explain what iv done wrong?
  12. Any chance of this getting An update To be able to convert maps to legion?