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  1. Roccus, maybe you know about this, but when I try to export my m2i to m2 with M2Mod Redux 4.8 it says too many vertices (more than 65535) when I only have around 25,000 vertices in my model. Is there a fix? It's the only thing stopping my models from working on Legion.
  2. I have no idea how you are so lucky. I have had to use downported versions of WoW, M2Mod Redux 4.6 and different scripts to import/export properly.
  3. EDIT: FIXED! See solution below. Might help someone. ============================================================================= Tried to convert nightelffemale_HD.m2 to .m2i and Blender always returns this: I followed this video, version 2.7.3 of Blender with M2Mod 4.8 and scripts Roccus provided but nothing works. Also, merge bones etc. settings in M2Mod Redux are all checked and set to Legion. I extracted from 7.2 retail client and tried with 7.1.5 client as well (even tried 4.3.4 and 5.1.0 clients for older m2 files). Nothing imports. ================================================================================ EDIT: The problem is wow_props in .py scripts. Removed it and my model loaded perfectly.
  4. Does anyone have a pre-compiled list_root .exe for Windows? CMake will not read my Boost libs no matter how I set absolute paths in Cmakelists.txt.
  5. if Rangorn would post his tool, there is already an ADT converter for WOTLK > WoD, we could port to Legion with M2 bounding boxes fixed. I don't think anyone has the time or patience to streamline everything
  6. I have been trying to find this forever! Thank you so much
  7. hello, I have extracted the root file from CASC explorer. now how can I parse it to a readable format? thx