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About TheEvilPotato

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  1. Version 1.1.0


    Hello everyone, I am uploading the following models already converted to 3.3.5. (not all are present in the screenshots) You just need to edit Creaturedisplayinfo.dbc + Creaturemodeldata.dbc (I use a lot of patches found on the internet, so dsending these 2 dbc files would result in various bugs) Feel free to use them however you want. List of models converted: aqirprophet + hakkarshadowlands + kelthuzadshadowlands + nzothanubisath + voidterror2 --------------------------- New update, list in screenshots, everything in 1.1.0.
  2. When I convert BFA models to 3.3.5 and then to 4.3.4, they crash the game, has anyone found a fix? Legion models converted to 3.3.5, and then to 4.3.4, work correctly.