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About Applez6

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  • Specialty
    DBC Editing
    Software Development
  1. Okay, i found out the problem, i feel kinda stupid. The problem was that i was using a patch.mpq FOLDER instead of putting it inside a patch. Once i made a new MPQ patch it worked perfectly. Hope this can help anyone else having the same issue.
  2. Alright here's all my stuff: NPC is called Super Murloc Creature in creature_template SQL Creature_model_info in SQL CreatureDisplayInfo.dbc CreatureModelData.dbc Inside .MPQ Inside Creature Folder If i'm not doing something correctly, please let me know. When i try to convert the model from my game (using retail client to search) it does not add a new file with the extention Murloc2_lk.m2; It just stays the same. Is this the reason? If so, is there a way to fix it?
  3. Hey, thanks for the response. I'm at work right now but I'll get back later with the screenies. What I think the problem is; that in the tutorial his files turn to a converted file with _lk at the end, but mine do not. I'm on windows 10, I don't see any noticeable changes happening to the files, ill post back here in a couple hours.
  4. Hello everyone, I'm new to this forums, but i've come here for some help. I've made sure i edited CreatureModelData.dbc, and and they match up, I have the skin/blp, and m2 file in Patch folder, and all my other stuff works in the patch too. I'm trying to convert a murloc like in the tutorial here: but to no avail, I can spawn him, but he's just a mere cube. I have his modelID set up too on the creature. I'm converting it from the most recent build of legion, i'm wondering it that's the problem, or am I missing an extra step? Any help would be appreciated. I can post more information if needed.