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    DBC Editing

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  1. If I remember correctly, I don't think you need any SQL in order to change the starting gear for a character. The only thing you should have to edit to modify a players starting gear is CharStartOutfit.dbc. You can open a DBC file with this: You can learn more about the file documentation with this: For every item you want to add, you will have to include the item id, display id, and inventory type. Make sure all of the data is placed into the proper fields. If you place the item id for your item in, "ItemID_4" then the display id will have to be put into, "DisplayItemID_4" and so on.
  2. Whenever you shapeshift into a different druid form "GetModelForForm" is called in the core which pretty much does a bunch of checks to see what display id your model should be converted into. Go to that function and change the code how you would like to make it display your custom druid appearances.
  3. You need two ends for the last function because you have a if statement in the function as well. I see your eluna is erroring that you need a end near <eof> but all your ends look fine to me, is there more the the script? In Arcemu you needed to use "" in your hooks to register them but you don't need to do that in Eluna, remove the "" and just have RegisterUnitEvent(600000, 1, Elite_OnCombat) pUnit:RegisterEvent("Elite_Phase1", 1000, 1) function Elite_Phase1(pUnit, event, player) Once again remove the "" and in addition your parameters are incorrect, they should be (eventId, delay, repeats, worldobject). More information can be found here regarding everything eluna
  4. So there are a few things that can possibly generate this error, one is the entry in your map.dbc or lack of entries in the database. When you add your new raid from MoP into WOTLK and you make an entry for it in map.dbc you need to make sure it's defined as a raid. The below image shows how blizzard handles molten core, in the second column they put a 2 to identify the map as a raid. If you have it defined as an arena or battleground you can never port to in unless the battle is active. The second, and most likely reason that you're not able to teleport to your raid is because you didn't add an entry in instance_template. Once you add your map there, you should be able to teleport to the location you desire. If you need information on what to put in instance_template, review this documentation
  5. This can be done in a few different ways, typically when you create a character an introduction cut-scene plays. Do you want the jingle to play at the same time as the cut-scene or do you want it to play right after the cut-scene is finished? What version of the game are you using and do you have access to eluna?
  6. Hey there thepainghtoo, There are quite a few different approaches you can take in order to make this happen, the following solution is how I would approach implementing the glyph to 3.3.5. 1) First I would find a druid glyph that existed in WotLK and make a copy of it, in this example i'm using item entry 40915. 2) I would then use Stoneharry's spell editor to create a dummy aura spell, you can find the latest version here ( Essentially what you want to do here is create a spell that does nothing at all, its simply used as a trigger aura for the core. 3) Whenever we use a shapeshift ability the model that is displayed to players is determined by the core, as a result we need to make a core modification. When your core is open you want to find the function titled "GetModelForForm". This function handles display ids for cat, bear, water, and travel form, you want to scroll down until you find "case FORM_FLIGHT" and here is where you will make your edits. The below piece of code shows what you need to edit, right now this code tells the player to morph to id 20857 if they are Alliance and used flight form, if there not Alliance and they used flight form then morph the player to id 20872. 4) Change the code as you wish to accommodate what you would like to do, when you use a glyph it applies the spell to your character as an aura so I would check player:HasAura to confirm if they have the glyph active. The below code makes it so when you use flight form it will check to see if you have the glyph active, if so then morph your character to id 123456. If you don't have the glyph it will function the same as the code from the previous image. Additional Notes: - The above code shows an example of how you modify flight form, however, there is also an epic version of flight form under "case FORM_FLIGHT_EPIC". You will need to modify this information as well to have your owl effect work on normal and epic flight form. - My steps show what you need to do in order to get your glyph to work in WoTLK, however, this is assuming you have the owl model already converted into WoTLK. If you don't have the owl model converted then i recommend you find the model you wish to use and then down port it using this tool. - Morph ids are determined in CreatureDisplayInfo.dbc and CreatureModelData.dbc, once you convert your model down to WotLK you need to assign that data in those dbc files. - If you need help with model conversation and retro porting there are a variety of resources on this website that are able to guide you through that process. Hopefully this helps, have fun!
  7. The character create screens are located in the World of Warcraft files under Interface/Glues/Models. Once you find the one that you want you need to convert it via any Legion to Wotlk converter (this is what most people use: In terms of switching the models that are used you can do this in the client files of your server under Interface/GlueXML/GlueParent.lua. If you read how blizzard changes their backgrounds in the code there you only need to switch out a few things in order to do what you want.
  8. Peacy

    help Error Crash

    If you go into your WotLK client and open up the error folder you will find the crash logs. If you post them here we can take a look and that will probably help us pinpoint the location of your problem. If you need help finding the error folder I took a picture from the wow directory.
  9. Hello all, My name is Peacy and I am part of a team of around 8 people. Together, we work to create an amazing wow expansion which takes place after the events of Wrath of the Lich King. Our server has custom zones, quests, maps, events, and systems. Unlike most custom realms, we pride ourselves on achieving a high level of quality similar to Blizlike standards. In other words, we are not trying to create a custom 255 realm but rather a full fledged out expansion that can be comparable to other wow expansions. With that being said progress is coming along very nicely but we are in need of work from some noggit developers and lore writers in order to speed up the process while maintaining quality. At the moment we are looking for someone to do the following: - Noggit work in order to revamp a zone from Kalimdor. - Lore/Quest writers to fill out zones with an amazing and immersive story. - Model worker to convert some M2s to WMOs and some BFA models to WOTLK (models where the standard publicly released converter doesn't work) These positions will be paid and our server follows a loyalty system which enhances payment based on how many projects you are willing to do for us. If you are busy like most people are and have only enough time to complete one project, have no fear for there are no ties and commitment to our project after your work is complete! If interested please contact me on discord Peacy#7989 or reply to this thread! Thanks, Peacy!
  10. Hello all, My name is Peacy and I am part of a team of around 8 people. Together, we work to create an amazing wow expansion which takes place after the events of Wrath of the Lich King. Our server has custom zones, quests, maps, events, and systems. Unlike most custom realms, we pride ourselves on achieving a high level of quality similar to Blizlike standards. In other words, we are not trying to create a custom 255 realm but rather a full fledged out expansion that can be comparable to other wow expansions. With that being said progress is coming along very nicely but we are in need of work from some noggit developers and lore writers in order to speed up the process while maintaining quality. At the moment we are looking for someone to do the following: - Noggit work in order to revamp a zone from Kalimdor. - Lore/Quest writers to fill out zones with an amazing and immersive story. - Model worker to convert some M2s to WMOs and some BFA models to WOTLK (models where the standard publicly released converter doesn't work) These positions will be paid and our server follows a loyalty system which enhances payment based on how many projects you are willing to do for us. If you are busy like most people are and have only enough time to complete one project, have no fear for there are no ties and commitment to our project after your work is complete! If interested please contact me on discord Peacy#7989 or reply to this thread! Thanks, Peacy!
  11. A majority of zones from my project were made from Morvill, out of all the noggit developers i ever had Morvill was the most reliable. When he accepts a project he works on it non stop until it is complete, out of the handful of zones he did for me I never had to wait more then 2 weeks for completion. He asks lots of questions and tries to ensure he makes your vision of the zone/area come to life. Great work!
  12. Hey Everyone, For the past 3-4 days i have done all the necessary core, dbc, and interface edits in order to add a the Nightborne race into my server. The last thing i needed to do was actually convert the Nightborne model to WOTLK. Normally, this would be pretty easy since Adspartan's model converter has never errored on me before or not worked. In patch 7.3.5 when they released the Nightborne race blizzard changed the way race files are stored and handled. As far as i'm aware things like bone structure, animations and so on are not kept in .skel files and Adspartan's converter does not work on models with .skel files. Since my knowledge regarding anything model related is very minimal and seeing that there is not a lot of information on community sites that talk about how to get .skel files working for patch 3.3.5 I was hoping i can commission someone to get the already existing model working in WOTLK for me. I don't know much about model editing or the work it requires but i'm willing to offer 30-50 USD for anyone who is able make the Nightborne race work in 3.3.5. If you are interested please send me a message or add me on discord (Peacy#7989) so we can further discuses pricing and model related stuff. Thanks so much, Peacy!
  13. Hello all, My name is Peacy and myself along with 4 other coders are creating a custom blizlike quality server. This server has been straining us for quite some time but with each passing day we are nearing ever closer to completion! We are in need of Noggit zone developers. The zones we currently need to be done are Thousand Needles, Stranglethorn, and Westfall. This will be a paid position, and we appreciate our Noggit developers. If you are interested in making a zone for us please message me back here or contact me on skype (Priestchick). Thanks!
  14. Hello All, I'm currently working on a project and I'm in need of someone who is good with noggit! If thats you please message me here or add me on skype Priestchick! Will pay well for anyone who thinks they can produce good work! Thanks!