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About Akeno

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  • Birthday 04/01/1997

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  1. Greetings everyone, A few days ago I stumbled upon an article called "This 8.6GB Mod for World of Warcraft overhauls over 14,634 textures" Link: https://www.dsogaming.com/news/this-8-6gb-mod-for-world-of-warcraft-overhauls-over-14634-textures/ I wanted to ask if anyone knows anything about this or knows of other ai upscaled texture mods for wotlk or pre-wotlk? I know there's a few releases here on MC, but they don't overhaul that many textures as the one above and sadly Nexus had taken down that mod long ago. Unless someone somehow happened to this have it saved?
  2. There will be another update for this sometime later and it will fix some of the light bugs and hopefully make the water better. Bamby is already working on it and I might as well again when I have the time.
  3. Update 1.1. - 03.09.17 What's new? Improved lightning in every area of the game. Changed colors of water in several areas to fit with the lightning better (needs more testing, but should work properly). Learned how to change liquid speed = water moving slower/faster etc...
  4. Improved water 2.4.3 Update 1.1. - 03.09.17 As the tittle says, this patch changes the water textures for Client version 2.4.3 (BC). Ocean and rivers use completely different textures and there's a lot of dbc editing involved as well. The patch is still not perfect but I'm releasing it for now, because I know a lot of people will appreciate it and if I can, I will continue improving it. Video coming soon! Do I need WowME? Yes. How do I install this? Just place the downloaded file in your World of Warcraft/Data directory. Who made this? Special thanks to the following people: Bamby - for original textures, video and guiding. Inico - for procedural water tutorial(s) and splash textures. Me (Akeno@Smolderforge) - for wasting time on this, creating new textures and testing it out like crazy. DOWNLOAD CLICK ME - Patch version 1.1. (latest) CLICK ME - Patch version 1.0. (old) CLICK ME - Ressource files Additional links Bamby Modcraft: http://www.modcraft.io/index.php?action=profile;u=204437 YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTWIx7JBvXhlMfi6x_TE_8g Inico Modcraft: http://www.modcraft.io/index.php?action=profile;u=477 YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/InicoCustom
  5. This just got released Also: https://24stairs.wordpress.com/