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  1. Hey! I try make this guide for you can make you CDN with custom files for 7.3.5 Legion (u other versión). Before I’m sorry for my english level and I hope it can understand you. The first step is download CDN Blizzlike files. Here I share us the CDN Blizzlike files for 7.3.5 26972 (I'm not allowed to share it. When i have time i upload my CDN Files) You must download this files in you server, it can be Linux or Windows, i used Ubuntu server 17. You can use this command in Ubuntu for download from Google Drive: wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/circulosmeos/gdown.pl/master/gdown.pl chmod +x gdown.pl perl gdown.pl “name of file” Now you must unrar the file in your webhosting app. It can be htdocs or /var/www in case of Linux. If you haven’t Apache installed, you must do it (sudo apt install apache2). You can change the root path of apache2 (cd /etc/apache2 and nano apache2.conf or conf file in some folder) You must have tpr and wow folder of CDN Files you downloaded in root path of apache2 (example: /var/www/tpr and /var/www/wow) You can configure one domain for point your ip. Now you must download CASCHost, you can follow the next guide: https://model-changing.net/tutorials/article/120-beginners-guide-to-caschost/ But in this guide, you must modify appsettings.json with “Staticmode: True” And you must download this .build.info= https://drive.google.com/file/d/1kAzKbwHaVq76BkWHRHjNVZODHqTOvM6G/view?usp=sharing After you must modify and change localhost for your domain, you can have more domains. Example: localhost for try.com localhost 2 for try2.com, etc. If you have other CDN Files or versión, you must change the Keys CDN,Build, etc from .build.info and save. You must put the .build.info in your CASCHost/CASCHost/wwwroot/SystemFiles and your custom files in CASCHost/CASCHost/wwwroot/Data/custom files with blizzlike path. Example: Data/Character/Orc/Male/Orcmale.m2) You must have access to your database as said here: https://model-changing.net/tutorials/article/120-beginners-guide-to-caschost/ After you must go to your CASCHost/CASCHost and you do (dotnet run) When it finish, you copy your custom files from CASCHost/CASCHost/wwwroot/Output to CDN Files webhosting. Tpr and wow folder of CASCHost to tpr and wow of CDN Files in Apache2. You never must delete your database. After you modify your Wow.exe and change the url for your domain.com/wow/cdns and domain.com/wow/versions as said in the other guide. If you have problems, you can ask help you in discord or MC. Enjoy!!!! If somebody want share the CDN files and versions for 8.1 or 8.2, much better!! Thanks to Kallar, Senix and all Model-changing.
  2. Hey. We are searching scripts C++ for TrinityCore Legion/BfA updated for our RP spanish server Some scripts we need are: - Phasing System for players (as Epsilon o RPHeaven) (http://www.ac-web.org/forums/showthread.php?214779-Recoded-C-TrinityCore-PhasingSystem&highlight=.phase+create) - Modify some addon for RP (Lua and XML) - Player housing - Build system - Others... The Phasing System is very important. We can buy for each script. If u are interested, u can contact with me for PM or Discord: Darkkang#9901 Thanks
  3. Ohhhh!!! Thanks It's very useful!!!
  4. Some times give one error, but if you enter again must work, if you did all well. Try delete .wdt, .tex, wdl, _ocg, etc files and you must put .adt only and try again.
  5. Oh, if you make one guide, I'll be happy It can help me. When I said entering the app I wont to say make rebuild in the browser and after change the CDN for it work. I've 400/500 http error. Sorry for my english and thanks ^^
  6. Hii, thanks for sharing. But I want put it in Ubuntu, because I think CascHost must be in one public server for put on the CDN online, no? I did dotnet build and dotnet run and it is working, but I can't enter to app from my browser Why? Thanks
  7. Nothing? Sorry for insist, but the problem not fixed yet
  8. Nothing? Sorry for insist, but the problem not fixed yet
  9. Ok thanks, but it appear the same error. In hosting.json and appsetting.json must I modify localhost? how? Is wrong? Thanks
  10. Now I fix it, but i've other error. I've this files: Nothing... Down the attached img. I tryed all... IP adress:port/rebuild/password and I obtain 404 error. I enter with my browser and show me this "info: Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting.Internal.WebHost[1] Request starting HTTP/1.1 GET http://ks309388.kimsufi.com:5100/rebuild" each time I enter into. I tryed open ports for this ip and disable firewall. Some idea? Thanks Sorry for my english.
  11. Now I fix it, but i've other error. I've this files: What is the fix?
  12. ¡Thanks! I just tried... Is it well done? When I replaced http://trinity.github... I don't see all the url, I only see a part. What is the solution? Thanks
  13. Hey, I'm sorry for be insistent, but I've days try CascHost but there aren't guides about it. I've compile the program in ubuntu, but I've two problems. 1. I need modify the WoW.exe. What program I need for this? 010editor? IDA Pro? And how edit the CDN for the mine? I think not be one ip, or yes? 2. When I did dotnet run, my build.info is missing, but I've my build.info into wwwroot/Systemfiles and not read it. How can fix it? must I modify the build.info for my build? My build is 7.2.5 24742 I need it for can parse models, maps and others from 7.3.5 and BfA to 7.2.5. Perhaps if it work, I can share us files and make one guide. Thanks!