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About wintrypegasus48

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  1. Hello all, I am brand new to the site and the modding community, and I'm excited to be back into the Warcraft community. I was an avid member of the playing community through WotLK, and I have recently been drawn back into the lore and immersing myself into the world Azeroth. I have found a lot of joy exploring Azeroth again for the first time in a while; it's almost like it's a brand new experience! I have always been interested in the lore of the game, and have frequently obsessed over what some of the great cities such as Stromgarde, Lordaeron, and Gilneas would look like if rebuilt and restored to their former glory. To see these cities rebuilt in-game is what has found me so enamored with the modding community! However, one area that I have not seen represented in the rebuilds and revitalizations, is the city of Alterac and the neighboring city of Strahnbrad. Does anyone know of a file in which these great cities were rebuilt, or is capable of "rebuilding" these two cities? I would love access to these two revitalized areas for RP purposes. If anyone has access to a .MPQ file or is proficient enough at world editing to make these changes and is willing to share, let me know. I'll gladly compensate anyone who can assist! Best wishes, wintrypegasus