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  • Birthday April 5

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  1. Elster

    release Noggit Qt

    Aaah, I see. I did read about the initial tablet support, I just didn't make the connection because the program doesn't crash. Thank you for clearing it up though! I'll work around it for now.
  2. Elster

    release Noggit Qt

    First of all, thank you to the people who put work into this! It's awesome. A problem I've run into: On the Flatten/Blur function I can't adjust the brush radius, the bar isn't clickable and changing the size with ALT+mouse doesn't work either. Got the same problem on the pressure handle of the 3D Paint option. Apart from that it works splendidly.
  3. The shoulders look really awesome. I like the design very much.
  4. Oh, I didn't know that! Thank you a lot for clearing that up.
  5. I'm having some problems with the textures not being read out correctly on a lot of WMO's, also some M2's. Is that due to the fact that some of them might not be working correctly yet, or is there some way to fix that?
  6. This looks really stunning, and thank you for writing the tutorial. I'm looking forward to getting my tablet out and trying this myself!