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About Illidaddy

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  1. Hello I'm looking for allied races for 3.3.5. just mpq, no morphing. Blood Elves = Void Elves Night Elves = Nightborne Draenei = Lightforged Draenei working with barber shop and character creation would be nice. DM me if interested
  2. awesome mods I love them! is there a possibility that also kul'tiran flight form, water form and travel form will be added?
  3. Hello I'm new here and I've been looking for allied race skins for 3.3.5 for like forever. is someone sharing allied race skins for 3.3.5 ? (not morphing, just skins for those already existing races in wotlk) just "simple" ones like: - Blood Elf -> Void Elf -Night Elf -> Nightborne -Dwarf -> Darkiron Dwarf and so on... I'm especially looking for Nightborne and Void Elf ones... has anybody an Idea?