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About MileyFox

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  1. Hey there. I was wondering if anyone has made a script to convert LK files to WoD. Specifically, the blp and wmo files. I found the one for the m2 files and that worked, but then when I tried to go ingame I got an error: Thinking it is something I have to add manually to the WoD file manifest or whatever but I have no idea how to do that. I suppose that's another topic for another thread.
  2. Hi there! After a little help from Elrena we managed to get Noggit working on my computer. I'm excited to really try my hand at map editing, but I have a little issue. I put the new, converted maps into my WoD directory and loaded them with the patched exe, and when I go ingame, I see the changes - but whenever I cross into the edited part of the map, my camera suddenly flies into the sky and I hear the woosh sound like when you drop off the map in Outland. Here's some screenshots: First one is before I crossed into it, the second one is after. As you can see, the Ebon Hold disappeared - that's all I edited in Noggit. I'm completely new to map editing with WoW, if that isn't obvious. Any help is appreciated I feel I can figure out editing in Noggit itself, its just the implementing it to my server that has me stumped. Also to note, I use the Wodcore repack, rev 38 for the server.
  3. That is so cool. Is that a WoD map or for earlier?