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About Fulayfel

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  1. Thank you for replying! However, I've setup my own cataclysm client and server (https://github.com/The-Cataclysm-Preservation-Project/TrinityCore) and it still works (it is still downloading in the background), so I think this is different from what you are describing. After a bit of research, I've discovered that there is a file: WoW.mfil that describes the server that they are using: version=2 server=limelight location=http://cdn.twinstar-wow.eu/15050.direct/ server=limelight location=http://cdn.sispnet.de/15050.direct/ manifest_partial=wow-15595-0C3502F50D17376754B9E9CB0109F4C5.mfil So they are using limelight (after googling it turns out to be a cdn) and they have these addresses: http://cdn.twinstar-wow.eu/15050.direct/ and http://cdn.sispnet.de/15050.direct/ when you add manifest_partial to the first address you get this: http://cdn.twinstar-wow.eu/15050.direct/wow-15595-0C3502F50D17376754B9E9CB0109F4C5.mfil If you click on that link you'll actually find a document containing the paths, sizes, locales of the all MPQ files needed by the client. it seems that this manifest_partial tells the client where to download these files. We can actually append the path of the MPQ files to the address and get the file like so: Downloading world.MPQ for example: http://cdn.twinstar-wow.eu/15050.direct/Data/world.MPQ So how are they setting up their server? Is it simply serving this document on the manfiest_partial endpoint and hosting the MPQ files? This seems too good to be true. Again, If anyone got any ideas please share!
  2. Hello everyone, first post here. so I've seen this post And I'm wondering If I could do the same with MPQ files for WoW Cataclysm? I know Twinstar.cz (Apollo-WoW) have done it, so I know it's possible. Anyone has ideas on how can I start this? Thanks.