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About neops8

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  1. Thank you for the solution it works fine ! But there is a new issue ^^ The visual I want to project on the ground is animated, and by just adding the "projected texture" flag it stacks all the "frame" of the animation, so the animation is not played anymore. Is there something specific to do in order to keep the animation of the projected texture, is it even possible to do this in wotlk ? because I don't see any "projected texture" spell visual that have an animation in wotlk
  2. Ok thank you, is that a property stored in the m2 file ?
  3. Hello guys, I don't know if it's the right place to ask this question but I'm having a problem with spell visuals. I'm working on a 3.3.5 server and I created custom spells using retroported visual from Legion. In particular I use visuals that are displayed at the base of the unit, that appear on the ground. The problem is that when the ground is not flat, the visual is bugged into the ground as you can see in this picture: I would like to change these visuals so that they follow the shape of the ground when they are displayed such as the following existing visual (Charred Earth): I didn't find any property in the DBC for this behaviour and I tried to replace the m2 of Charred Earth by the one of my custom spell and it didn't work anymore so I guess it's related the m2 file of the visual. Do you know which property/value I need to change in order to make the visual fit the shape of the ground such as the visual of Charred Earth ? Thanks