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About Kaev

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    MC.net Guy

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    Software Development


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  1. Hey guys and girls, i've uploaded a crawler backup of Modcraft so you can find old tutorials etc. on it. You can find it on http://modcraft-backup.de/ It has no forum functionality at all because i don't have any of the original modcraft files. See it as a read only copy. Thanks to Alastor for the backup.
  2. Maybe a trainer with type = 0 and requirement = 0 will allow all classes to train. I guess you can assign the class spells via trainer_spell. I guessed you're using TrinityCore.
  3. MC-Net is back! Yay!

  4. Thanks for your work and sharing it!
  5. v0.1.2: Fixed a bug that made columns unusable if they had a default NULL value configured in the database (TC has this for a few columns).
  6. Hey guys! i wrote a little framework that allows you to create, load, modify and delete world database objects with Eluna in your Lua scripts. I've only tested it with the most recent version of AzerothCore and TrinityCore but in theory it should work on all emulators that Eluna supports. Would be happy if someone could take some time to play around with it and report any issues. You can find it on GitHub: https://github.com/Kaev/DbScriptExtensions There are examples in the readme file but feel free to ask questions here.
  7. The problem with that is that usually the private servers don't translate their custom DBC entries. If you would switch from russian to english and there is no entry for it, the game wouldn't show any text at all.
  8. Love her face! Actually even fits very good into the game imo
  9. Version 1.0.0


    User BenjaminLSR of the Rochenoire team released a 2.4.3 .exe file which mimics the vanilla client in terms of item caching. This means that you don't need any custom MPQ files or other tools as wowme to add custom items to your 2.4.3 server anymore. I also copied the image of the modified bytes so this information doesn't get lost: Original Reddit post:
  10. Hey yonatanDS, i guess you could have more luck with asking in the WoW Modding discord. You can join via https://discord.gg/ZMvywJX
  11. Both of you should have activated ground effects. I think that would have tickled a bit more out of it. But in both cases - Really good work. It's really hard to vote for someone. Poisonleaf's area fits way better to the given theme, but Sphynx area looks like an area that i really would like to play. Since these areas are for a game, i'll vote for Sphynx even though i'm in #TeamPoisonleaf #TeamWeeb #TeamWaterfall.
  12. schlumpf/wungasaurus is always like this. Don't take his insults personally. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  13. Description: BetterItemReloading is a C++ Azerothcore module which allows to reload items on the server side and as much as possible on the client side of WoW 3.3.5. Sadly some things are cached on the client which can't be properly invalidated and need DBC file changes. The following things must be changed in DBC files: ItemClass ItemSubClass sound_override_subclassid MaterialID ItemDisplayInfo InventorySlotID SheathID Multiple items can be reloaded by splitting each entry id with a space like: .breload item 12345 23456 34567 Download link: https://github.com/Kaev/BetterItemReloading How to install? This module only works for AzerothCore. Check the module page for the explanation, but it's very easy to do and works the same for all the modules. Credits: Me and a german chocolate company because i ate some chocolate while developing it. I share this module with you because we support each other in the AzerothCore community. How to thank us? The answer is simple: contribute! You can help by making new modules, fixing or improving other modules, converting fixes from TC to AzerothCore, fixing our own issues, spreading the word (by talking about it, making tutorials or releasing stuff), donating, testing our pull requests or identifying issues etc... Contributors will receive better support and tips. ------------------------------------------------- What is AzerothCore? Click here for an (incomplete) overview of AzerothCore's advantages. And have a look at the wiki. Join us! Join our discord and post on our forum! https://discord.gg/PaqQRkd - The main place to talk, come ! https://github.com/azerothcore/azerothcore-wotlk http://azerothcore.org/
  14. There is an outdated C++ version of AIO called CAIO. If you google a bit you can still find the repository. You could port this to Azerothcore to still get it working.