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About Furioz

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  • Specialty
    Level Design
    DBC Editing

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  1. I keep hearing this that he scammed most of his customers. Yet most people or servers I worked for give me positive feedback about him or his services. So i'm starting to question the people who keep complaining, I assume they lack the knowledge how to properly implement something. And people buy stuff that is WIP , that needs quite alot of merging like demon hunter. But when they fail to merge it , it breaks and they blame browller.. About the races, the m2's arent the hardest part of it, infact it's just getting the model and converting it properly, wich would give you a blank model of that race. The biggest work is getting the charsections and other style dbc's done.
  2. Great guide, haven't done much blender work myself but this guide is very nice :).
  3. Not really a big fan of large swords , but I do love the work that you've put into this. Like the small animated veins etc, really great work :).
  4. Since you are working with AC, you probably preffer Keira 3. https://www.azerothcore.org/Keira3/ This is like the tool u mentioned above, but this one is made and maintained by the AC community. Feel free to ask any questions in their discord. Azerothcore Discord
  5. sounds like you dont have the correct dbc to work with, try using a core and you will have a step where you get fresh dbc. Then if you add the map to the dbc files i mentioned above and place these in the server dbc folder & DBFilesClient on the client side. Then it should work. worldmapcontinent is a dbc files that's used for the world map , that you can toggle ingame by pressing "M". If i remember correctly, this is just a link dbc to link parts of the map to a continent.
  6. This is probably a question for WBS. Better re ask the question here. https://discord.gg/BReWTc9c EDIT : apparantly you already did, just saw the same message in question but under a different name, I assume this is you.
  7. About the repack, I would advise you to drop the repack and get a core instead. Azerothcore or Trinitycore have great instructions on how to install it. This also gives you alot more freedom to adjust files or stuff on the core/server side. https://www.azerothcore.org/wiki/classic-installation Sounds like you made an error in the DBC File. Try opening it in WDBX and see if it says anything. If the worldserver crashes when it's "Loading Data Stores" then there is surely something off. For maps there are 3 DBC's (Areatable.dbc , Map.dbc & MapDifficulty.dbc), So the issue should be in those.
  8. Nice job, would be nice if we could maybe make a small interface to recreate the DF mount customisation. If i find some time , i might try and create an interface for this. Love the work btw :). Thanks
  9. Version 1.0.0


    Hello dear modders, This patch was created for Warshard , this is already quite some time ago and this was WIP. (so dont expect this patch to be fully completed, i'm pretty sure some of the work isn't finished yet) I do not have a Cata client anymore, nor am i working on this. But most of the models or DBC should be there & work. Just found these patches on MEGA thought i'd share them before I delete em. I was working on the sounds and the animations back in the days, these needs a bit of fixing. But thought i'd share the work that's already done incase people are intrested in this.
  10. Version 1.0.0


    After getting back into modding I tryed to reimplement some of my DBC but stumbled on some issues with the tools. these tools are made by Amaroth but are outdated. When trying to connect it gave an error. all credits for this tool go to him. I just fixed the error it gave me. This error was resolved by changing Data:Mysqlclient to MysqlConnector. ItemDBCtoDB This tool takes the CSV version of the Item.dbc and inserts this into the item_template table. The ItemtoDB tool can take a pretty long time if the tool has to insert alot of data. ClientItem this tool takes the data from item_template table inside your database and makes a CSV version out of it. this can then be converted to DBC by using DBC Util. this might have been a "me" problem, but thought i'd share it anyway incase somebody has the same issue.
  11. Funny how you quote me for this and write an entire rant when I have almost nothing to do with this. As I mentioned, if it wasn't that most of the work is done by browller than I would have released it for free. It's quite sad to see that everything went like this, Browller normally is a passionated coder who cares about his products. Atleast that's how my interactions with him were & most people I know that have products from him. I only did some bug fixing on the races back in the days and I have nothing to do with the bussiness Browller is representing. So maybe just maybe YOU should look who YOU are blaming before writing a whole rant and accusing me of shit I have nothing to do with. Quite sad to see your view on the world is completly fucked. Because if you would have done some research and asked a few people about who I am or what i've done. Than i'm very sure people would have positive comments. Since i've been doing wow modding for about 12 years now , and only for very very rare cases I asked for money. (Or just bothered to check my name and see that Furioz is spelled differently than Browller.) Kind regards
  12. Stunning castle accessories :) . Nice work
    Simply amazing, thanks for this amazing contribution to everyone who made this possible !
  13. I'm having this issue for a project i'm working for. I'll keep you updated if I find anyting usefull to this. Only DBC got changed so far on this project, so i'm assuming that's what causing it. I've only taken a quick look at it and assumed it was all handled there. But if you say that the coordinates are correct on your client and the highlight isn't, yeah that makes it pretty weird. But everything texture wise should be handled in Interface/ as Atraxian mentioned. Some goes for AIO stuff, every highlight or change requires another texture. The place should be handled in dbc or maybe the lua/xml that handles the worldmap.
  14. yeah there is always some differences between cores, dont have much experience with cMangos in the past years sadly. Sadly stumbled on it aswell not so long ago. DB looks very alike on most things, but there is always one or a few things that got changed :p.