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About Varomis

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    Level Design

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  1. For anyone having issues finding the actual files. I can confirm Azshara is still in the gamefiles... The name of the ADTs is just different to the old ones. For more insight just massage me. Now it starts the crazy modelling of all buildings by my self with major improvements. Happy Modding guys! And thanks again to @Alastor Strix'Efuartus
  2. Thank you for the reply :) .... sadly that’s the tool I mentioned above. Azshara crater is not anymore in the gamefiles. :/ i need such tool for 3.3.5 or below :) if anyone could provide me the map as obj or any useful file I’m willing to pay 50$ ? maybe I will try to hire a programmer lol
  3. Hey fellow modders! ... Hope you´re all doing great ?! As the title says, I am in need of exporting ADT Files to import them to blender. My Problem is I dont know (and i cant find a tutorial) how to extract the ADTs from the WoW Client. My desired map is Azshara´s Crater. My plan is to get rid of all doodads, buildings, texture etc... I just need the terrain/heightmap. With the WoW Export Tool, its possible to export such maps. But its not working with older clients..... So....If anyone out there got any help for me I would be more than happy. I will also post his/her name in my upcoming project..... Or could someone code me such a tool to export ADTs from 3.3.5. ? ...... HELP me please Best wishes Michael