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Everything posted by sh1tdev

  1. Version 1.5


    All Classic, TBC and WotLK clothing textures upscaled to x4, downscaled by 50% and then converted to BLP. vanilla and TBC textures really get a nice boost from this. Thx to the model-changing discord for pointing me in the right direction with things here. TODO: Correct distortions, AI upscale errors on effected textures. Upscale/denoise items such as: Shoulders/Head/Cape/Shield/Weapons etc. etc. EDIT: Thanks to those of you who have pointed out some distortion or oddities in some of the textures. I didn't catch these and will improve them for the net release.
  2. Version 1.0.0


    Put together this HD Race Icon package a while ago. Thought I'd share it for anyone who was interested. Just updates the Race Icons with some HD faces. Drop this pack in to the /Data
  3. Didn't realize it would update sorry. Nothing new, just a working download link.
  4. yeah rip me, i must be such an asshole
  5. So weird, made a new account and it was fine to download..
  6. File already scrubbed from Mega
  7. great stuff! any plans to do all the NPCs in the future or this is it?
  8. YAY! So excited! Also, optional fel-themed warlock spells? I'd be keen on them for real.
  9. unsig tool the wow.exe and/or large address aware it
  10. If you mean the armors from AQ then it should work. No changes to m2s were made - just the texture files.
  11. Ahhh nice, great release but full of stuff like Reznik logos splattered all over the login screen and unwarranted interface changes in a locked MPQ. Any chance to remove all that extra stuff and open the MPQ?
  12. Is this a reskin of Warsong Gulch or an extra new map that can be played alongside original Warsong Gulch?
  13. Do you mean the player character models themselves or the npc baked textures?
  14. Thanks, Krysik! I took a little break from updating this to save my sanity and motivation. Over the next few weeks I'll be getting back to it to fix green textures and add in upscaled weapons where possible. Also appreciate the love
  15. Hey, I have a request. I noticed that SOME of the models used in the Cohesive Druid Forms patch worked with this patch - but the Tree of Life form kept the original Ent/Treant model. Is there any way to make this patch compatible with this one later down the road? Hope all is going well with your work!
  16. Yeah, that's what I am thinking as some textures are at 1024 and those tend to be the Vykrul textures. The downside here is that each texture would then be about 1mb each not sure how the game engine will go with that haha.
  17. rough dude, gl! no rush on the patch anyways. My helms, shoulders and clothing textures are done btw - although I think there are probably some errors hidden in there that I haven't found yet.
  18. currently there might still be some texture issues popping up (i have received a few messages about some textures not working) so I will fix them over the week and then combine them in to one fully working patch.