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Everything posted by Daethas

  1. Daethas

    .Skel files

    I found out a .skel template was released not too long ago. Given how I've slowly been changing my focus to downporting hairstyles from races like Dark Irons, which have .skel files, I was wondering if there was any way to use this template to sort-of make such models usable in Blender (at the moment, it's just their armatures that show up - no meshes.) Alternatively, if there's a better way, I'd love to hear.
  2. So, I've been trying to downport models from BFA (female zandalari trolls, new Jaina model, zandalari druid forms) to 7.1 Legion. Most of it ends up working, except for the animations, which are either missing a few, or missing many. My method for downporting is just by replacing SFIDs in 010 Editor, as it cuts out the need to do weight painting (which i have no idea how to do lol) and is generally quicker. Any help on how I can get the animations to start functioning fully would be very much appreciated! Thanks!
  3. ..I'm terribly sorry, but I just do not understand. My apologies if I've annoyed you by now, but I just have absolutely no idea what to do. I've no idea what a filedataid is, nor how you find them, and especially not how to find them in a wmo. This seems extremely complicated, and I'm just getting lost in what to do. I can't read the AFID chunk, and I don't know what to replace, nor what to replace the extra anims with-- do I just grab random IDs and replace the extra anims with those? I'm completely clueless as to what I've to do still; like I said, my knowledge of hex editing isn't amazing. I can replace SFIDs, but I use an M2Template for the rest-- finding specific visuals and textures. Weapons/armor, basically, are all I know how to do. That and objects (not wmos) but that's because it's the same principle.
  4. Right, but I don't get how you found the anims out of that large chunk. I found the ID's, but had you not told me what those anim_ids were, it'd just look like pure nonsense to me-- and it still sort-of does. But you said the values for both models are the same, with the exception of those 2 extra ID's Golganneth has. I don't need to change any of the values then, right? Should I just delete the 2 extra anims from Golganneth's .m2?
  5. Little update: Just tried replacing Golganneth's AFID chunk with that of the stonekeeper's, and then fixed Golg's anim files and placed them in the proper folder in my client. His sitting animation never used to work, and now it has.. somewhat. https://gyazo.com/b284fc4551b7077132b882ebbbaafa0e
  6. Also, I'm intending on converting from 7.3.5+ to 7.1 Higher version of Legion, to lower.
  7. ..Woah. How'd you find all of that? Also, how would I go about changing stonekeeper.m2's file_id values?
  8. I'm assuming this was what you meant.
  9. I I'm not sure I'm understanding what you're asking me to do - again, my apologies, my understanding of downporting's really quite limited to items, haha. Creatures are entirely new for me. Like I said before, if you've a discord, perhaps we could discuss this in more detail there?
  10. Right. That's-.. all quite confusing, apologies. I'll try and do my best to understand, however. It seems the chunk size is larger in Aggramar's file than with the stonekeeper, but the the first value is the same. I'm assuming by anim_id and sub_anim_ids, you mean these: Aggramar's model has more animations, and when going into the "stand" anims, I see this: However, the stonekeeper model only has 1 stand anim:
  11. I meant, like, replacing the new model's AFID bytes with that of the old model's AFID bytes, like you do with SFIDs. I don't know what you mean on this part. Could we, by chance, discuss this over discord? I feel it would be supremely easier (and quicker) if we had a better form of communication. Night Elf#1000
  12. Just the 8 chunks, right? Then the SFIDS-- And I should be good, then? No anim files?
  13. Do I have to replace the AFID chunks?
  14. Renamed them, still didn't work. I'm not sure I get what you mean with the animations, haha-- uh, nono, some animations /do/ work. Like, some combat animations *do* work, or at least the ones that I tested. However, animations such as sitting or talking, do not work at all. When my character talks during movement, the moving animation may break. TThis is the .m2 for the Legion Druid bear form for Trolls. There are AFID chunks. Same for the Zandalari Troll bear form.
  15. So, little update: I went and tried downporting the zandalari troll bear form, replacing the new legion troll bear form, and instead of deleting 7 bytes, I deleted 8 bytes. I then moved every anim file into the zandalari troll bear form folder - where i put all the hardcoded textures - and then the old troll bear form folder, once with the files unchanged, and then with them renamed. Nothing worked. I also deleted just 7 bytes, and did the process again, and the anims still didn't work. Is there any other way to do this with SFID downporting?
  16. Also, do I need to rename the anim files to that of the original model's, or am I good with keeping them as they are, and putting them in the new model's folder/old model's?
  17. 8 BYTES? I thought it was 7, like with weapon/armor downporting!! None of the creatures I'm using are .skels, don't worry. Okay. I'm going to try deleting 8 bytes, and if that works, I am immensely thankful.
  18. That's my problem, unfortunately; I've deleted the headers before, all 7 bytes, for every anim file; but the animations continue to not work. And, unless I forgot to rename them all the exact same - which I don't /think/ is the issue - I'm doing it correctly. I'll try it again, and make doubly sure I'm right in all of this.
  19. And, also, does this work for BFA to 7.1?
  20. I'm not quite sure if I understood what he was doing. What is he deleting to make the animations work?
  21. Just using the new grommash model as an example, the uint32playbackspeed is automatically 150-- the animations still don't work.
  22. Daethas


    Right, so. As I am typing this out, I've been working on downporting one of the 7.3 t21 DK sets - the blue one, in particular. This is my progress thus far. http://prntscr.com/fty5xx I should make clear, I have already tried running the .blp through a BLP 2 PNG converter, re-converted it from png to blp, and it still came up with transparency issues. PTR Equivalent Compared to that, the set's also incredibly blank - particles are something I also need tremendous assistance on. If anyone has any idea how I might be able to acquire those, once more your aid would be LOVED. Thank you!
  23. Daethas


    Hello, Roccus! Thank you kindly for responding. Unfortunately, I do not have photoshop, nor do I quite feel inclined to pirate it - ironically enough, I can't say I'm largely into pirating. Also, I should have mentioned I'm extremely basic when it comes to downporting models, especially item models - in truth, the level I'm at is attaching the 7.3 meshes to the current-game armatures. Anything out of that, like using 010 Editor or editing "renderflags", is totally beyond my level of comprehension haha. If at all you could help me out as to learning how exactly to fix transparency using 010 Editor and the renderflags, that would be appreciated. Thanks again!
  24. Apologies for double-posting-- made a little error.
  25. Right, so. As I am typing this out, I've been working on downporting one of the 7.3 t21 DK sets - the blue one, in particular. This is my progress thus far. http://prntscr.com/fty5xx Looking a bit plain, isn't it? As it stands, though I'm half-capable of downporting models, I do find myself having difficulties with finding geosets! I have, unfortunately, absolutely no clue on how to find those, any help would be appreciated. I should make clear, I have already tried running the .blp through a BLP 2 PNG converter, re-converted it from png to blp, and it still came up with transparency issues. PTR Equivalent Compared to that, the set's also incredibly blank - particles are something I also need tremendous assistance on. If anyone has any idea how I might be able to acquire those, once more your aid would be LOVED. Thank you!