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Everything posted by MrXJKz

  1. This tutorial is in French, but you can perfectly see the images. Maybe a day, I'll make this tutorial in English w/o my poor French voice. It's not difficult, you just need to look for understand, I'm sorry for my bad English tho. The tutorial is only for LEGION, I think I'll don't work with TLK because of M2 limits. The tutorial is only a tutorial for adding in game, not in Blender. If you dont' know how to place a hairstyle on a race mesh, just go away please. This is only the technical part, not the Blender part or whatever. All the tools you need, you'll see them in the video. I hope you'll understand with the video. Roccus tutorial in English Enjoy!
  2. Version 0.0.2


    Thanks to schlumpf for the help .skel template for Legion, that's all, have fun
  3. I've got some differences and troubles with Roccus, we aren't talking so much now. I totally agree with him about the work, we aren't your industries to make a patch to be delivred to anyone. If we want to share that with you, with the community, with a entiere server, we'll post it with our names. We're working for ourself because we like to do this, we like to do modding. We share with our own community, because they deserve it, understand him. If release a patch on your server, and someone take your work without contacting you and you see that, what will be your reaction ? You'll be happy and say "it's for players, lulz" ? I was a leecher at the time of Cataclysm, when I've learned modding 'n stuff, I don't leech anymore because I know the pain for the one who work, when I leeched the Rangorn HD models I haven't see the work he has done to it. Now, I can import what I want in Legion. In French modding community, I'm just a kiddie and I accept it. But I've learned the respect of the work. If you don't respect the work, if you don't respect the time passed on it, why you're on a modding community ? Roccus isn't a kiddie who don't want to share, he's here for everyone who wants help, his arms is fully open to help you. There's no respect now, because internet. Because kiddies, they don't want to learn something. Because they're just idiots to learn anythings. Like Skarn said it, there's no way to prevent this, but soon, trust me. We'll found a way to fuck them up, to stop this fucking shit. I'm bored to see that kind of stuff, rly.
  4. [deleted because this is false]
  5. A little tutorial from me, about Legion M2. At the build 20810 or higher, M2 change. You just need to remove in hexa with 010 Editor this : After that, you've this : Change M2 version (12 to 10) And you get a working model for WoD.
  6. So, I'm working on custom spells, and I've a little problem. I'll be simple and fast : I'm trying to do visual/cosmetic spell but when I launch this spell, there's nothing. I've already try to "remplace" a spell, I've take "[DND] Ring" lines and paste to do my own spell. But, there's nothing. I'm working on WoD 6.2.4 but if someone can teach me how to do custom spell on 3.3.5 maybe I'll can do this on 6.2.4. ^^
  7. Which one do you want to get ? (skin) When you want him ? Because I need to install 3DSMax because of new skins doesn't pass with the Blender add-on, or I'll wait an update of this to do this. You can follow the Met@ (I think) tutorial about it if you want to work by yourself, it's not difficult. Need a brain, coffee, and time, simply. But yeah, I'll do this if I have the requirements. ^^
  8. And now, we know why the TLK community don't want to upgrade to WoD if nobody share his programs for modding. It's because guys like you Rangorn, you don't want to share, but you spit at the TLK community.
  9. I never shared one of your programs, I'm using it simply. Someone ask me for your CharSections program, I've it with the sources, but I haven't shared to someone. And I know why you don't share it, you've the fear of the concurents servers got more content than your server. If not, why you don't share it with me ? Aha, no really. I know why, and I respect your choice. I've finished this war of French server and community, fuck it. I work like I can, you're my "master" of modding, and I haven't shared something. I'll wait for someone doing these for WoD, and voila. ^^
  10. Hi, I've ported Warcraft movie transmog into WoD, but the physic isn't present. On MoP+ physic are here in the Engine, there's some change in Legion as I know. So, I wanted to know, how to enable Legion phys in Warlords of Draenor, because there's a lot of things using .phys (belt, weapons etc). The Replica of the Gul'dan Staff is awesome, but it can be more awesome if physic is present. I looked into the M2, I've tryed to modify the GLOBAL_FLAGS nothing, one time on two I got a Wowerror. I've delete SFID and PFID chunk, nothing. So I don't know how to manage to enable it. And I know, modders are only on TLK, but if someone work on WoD and Legion. no physic Thanks.
  11. ADT Legion to WoD (because WoD modding is better than WoTLK ;-)) M2 & WMO Legion to WoD (same reason) WBD5 format (DB2) (from Legion or WoD newer build I think) to CSV (with structures) Automatic downgrade Itemdisplayinfo, TextureFileData, Filedata from Legion to WoD (and TLK for you modders rofl) Texture searcher for M2, WMO, etc. HoTS and Overwatch Blender Add-on .phys enabler from Legion to WoD That's all, thanks in advance.
  12. Version 1.0.1


    After using Skarn's updated MapTemplate.psd from Steff, you can use this template to cut your worldmap as Blizzard do to put it in game. I'll not make a tutorial about this template, this is not so hard to cut with selection tool. And, after cutting it and .png to .blp you need to work with DBC/DB2 files. Good luck !
  13. First of all, you need to patch your with the offset you posted. Second, you need to create folders (like WoTLK or Cataclysm without MPQ).
  14. My desktop the 01/02/2016.
  15. MrXJKz

    OBJ2ADT How-To

    Thanks for this tool, and for this tutorial. But, I don't really understand how to... Yes, I'm little bit retard but... Look at this error...
  16. If you try to modify GM Island 3.3.5 and convert it for Cata+, you'll get a error. If you try the convert GM Island 6.2.3 to TLK, the converter don't work because there's no texture.
  17. I don't know how to use this, but I'll try, thanks you!
  18. Hi, I've a little project and I don't know how I can delete / remove all M2 and OBJ from a ADT on WoD. There's two obj : obj0 and obj1, if someone know or have a script for this it would be really cool for me. And if you know chunk etc... Thanks in advance, and sorry for my bad english again!