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Everything posted by darthy

  1. When I run the bot and type "register test 123456" on discord. The bot writes the message "[Register]: Account has been successfully made." But nothing happens in the worldserver console app, no accounts created and terminal with the bot running shows this message: <SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:SOAP-ENC="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/1999/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/1999/XMLSchema" xmlns:ns1="urn:TC">SOAP-ENV:BodySOAP-ENV:FaultSOAP-ENV:ClientMethod 'ns1:executeCommand' not implemented: method name or namespace not recognized</SOAP-ENV:Fault></SOAP-ENV:Body></SOAP-ENV:Envelope> I do not know what Iam doing wrong. Iam installing the resgistration bot for the first time. Iam using this serve core https://github.com/ElunaLuaEngine/ElunaCataPreservation And It supports SOAP.
  2. So when I have the registration bot active. I have to make another bot for this code separately? I did not get how it works and how the mod is activated on wow server startup, Is that held as a custom loa script?
  3. Version 1.0.0


    All known Phillip TNGs tools that he used.
  4. I do not get it. ? I need some tutorial which shows me all steps from start to finish.
  5. Version 1.0.0


    All BFA M2s with fixed TXID compatible with 3.3.5a Thanks: Experimenst and Shadowynnie for preparing the model pack.
  6. darthy

    Broken tileset

    Hello, does anybody have an idea how to fix this broken tilesets and why it happens and how to avoid it?
  7. We are looking for modders, especially DBC editers. For more info contact me on discord Shadowynnie#1832
  8. We used a tool that fixed TXIDs after that we converted it to LK by multiconverter.
  9. You have to extract it to your WoW 3.3.5a game client to your "Data" folder. Then rename the MPQ archyve that you extracted if necessary.
  10. Hello, I compiled extractors for Cata 4.3.4 and added custom content to my patches according to guides on MC.net and Modcraft. I cannot make MMaps. The following error log points at map ID 150 tile 0_0_. But I have no map ID 150 in my Map.dbc... Maybe the problem is that I have a map with ID 1500 and the other IDs contains only 3 numbers like 930 931 932 etc...?? Idk. Is there any experienced person that can explain the extractor error? See the attachment below: unknown_mmaps_generator.exe_[12-2_15-3-47].txt
  11. Fix? What do you mean? Should I delete models that are retroported and models that are made in Blender from the adts or what?? Several guides on Modcraft and MC? Give me that several links (2-3). I did not find it on google. Thats all what I want, manual that works.
  12. MaxtorCoder, so can you tell me from the beginning how to make these server maps for my custom client maps made in Noggit with the highest chance to succeed? ? You can PM me.
  13. Server mmap, vmap, map generator that can generate maps for our custom maps created in noggit. TC extractors often crash because modders have custom and retroported models on adts and wdts also can be corrupted from the extractor's view. TC developers do not expect that we will make custom maps. It is developed for blizzlike LK servers.
  14. I wrote you a message about your issue, we can discuss it.
  15. Nice job bro
  16. Helo MC.net community, I have a problem with adding a new profession skill. I made a link in skillline abylity dbc, item that is created and spell that creates the item. I added the spell in npc trainer in the server database so trainers teach the skill but the spell/skill does not appear in the profession log. When I open the profession with added skill, It does not appear anywhere. Please can you tell me how to make it appear in the profession log? Best regards Darthy
  17. Version 1.0.0


    This is Philip TNG's ADT converter 010 Editor based.