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Everything posted by Helnesis

  1. Sad. I thought it's work for Cata+ sorry. When i'm going out the work, i can check on my PC, it seem i have Philips Tools, i can reupload it.
  2. Version 1.0.1


    Hello, this is my first share in this community, This little tool allows to find the hash of a DB2 for TrinityCore hotfixes tables (7.x and more)
  3. Damn, sorry for the late reply... Yup, it isn't a algorithm, just a lookup table indeed. But, i can check in Trinity Core github how the core check if the hash is correct and update my software. To see EDIT : It isn't a lookup table, now
  4. 1) => You can use Noggit and do mapping for Cata + (still work for me, i'm on BFA 8.0.1) If you want to downport Cata+ asset (M2, WMO, ADT, etc...) you can use the MultiConverter, made by Adspartan : 2) => For ADT Conversion, use Luzifix's Tool, it is better and fast than 010 Editor Script ! 3) For this point, can't help you, sorry man ! Gl I known, it's not what you want, that implies various steps, but it's a good solution for the moment.
  5. Version 1.0.0


    This tool allows to find the FileDataID according to the path of the model. It is still unstable but works. I foresee in the future a filter system by format. Thank to Rangorn for this RootFile Reader
  6. Why documented, nobody intends to do anything on Cata + bigkek
  7. "terrible procedure" I run two programs, one to make compatible my map (Cata +) on Noggit, the other to convert Legion (mine + the one of Rangorn :)) and the turn is played. Where is the problem? WoD + Legion (flag that extends the texture limit by chunk by 8 instead of 4) but nothing will change for you, since you do not have that on your TLK. There are also improvements to Vertex Shading.
  8. hey rangorn I just finished the _lod generation software the .exe is complete and thank you for sharing your obj fix to merge it to my program btw, good job it was a pleasure to collaborate with you !
  9. https://puu.sh/tdrEs/27607e60fa.png