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Everything posted by jhoancito

  1. Version 1.0.0


    well I bring you this saddle bfa want to download more models link http://devserverswow.ml/index.php?/forum/12-modeling/
  2. which id token they ask for in the store
  3. Where can I check if the m2 has actually changed 180 degrees?
  4. Version 1.0.0


    bueno chicos acavo de convertirlo para 3.3.5a es una creature nueva espancion
  5. I want to add a weapon that is a 2-handed sword, everything is fine with the tutorial that I found, I converted everything but it turns invisible because that happens, I did it well dbc and add the weapon folder to the weapon for the patch
  6. disculpa cuando pongo .tele Lonforte no me lleva sale no exiten
  7. hello friends I want to change your position of the wings is very high and is very far from the back https://ibb.co/5TJ7YXy <a href="https://imgbb.com/"><img src="https://i.ibb.co/G7rhsfL/Captura-de-pantalla-2022-06-29-202204.png" alt="Captura-de-pantalla-2022-06-29-202204" border="0"></a>
  8. As you can see in the image, the wings come out on top of my hair, not on my back, how do I do that, any guide please ne html
  9. amigo lo hice bien tu guia tengo problema primero fui TXID despues convertidor 3.0.3 todo bien lo agrege bien no sale ma montura es invisible
  10. yo no entiendo para que sirve cliente aleman
  11. disculpa el primero paso eliminar ID no me deja sale error
  12. Hello, yesterday I am trying to add a layer of version 9.2 shadowlands to 3.3.5a, as you can see in the photo, the color comes out and all the layer model does not come out, it is like angel wings, I only get a normal layer with the colors of the layer that I add add dbc called "ItemDisplayInfo" where I say m2 add and where I say blp are added to the layer type angel wings of course also "item" I also added it with its id the thing does not come out model of the layer only the colors in the normal layer that I did wrong can someone help me help please this is layer i want to add https://www.wowhead.com/item=181297/reverent-wings-of-the-ascended
  13. Version 1.0.0


    Pack_Montura_Bfa_otra_expanciones.rar Contiene pack Montura De Tierra 71 Carpeta para Vercion 3.3.5a lo actualizare con la expancion 9.0.2
  14. hello i have never done this for something i am asking for your help sorry look that 1 weapon that is a one-handed sword I want to change it to a dagger in the photo you can see I have both hands the weapon is a dagger the head that is up is another direction that is original I want to turn it to the other side as the other that is seen that is modified in db or is model modification
  15. Well, the error is when creating a character, I do not create any character and I get this error Player 18167 has incorrect race/class pair. Can't init display ids. Race (0) not found in DBC: wrong DBC files? Player 18163 has incorrect race/class pair. Don't build enum. How can I fix where that is fixed please
  16. hola amigo puede decir como areclo la textura de una montura me sale de color blanco ya lo converti para worft 3.3.5 igual me sale blanco

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. jhoancito


      Well look when adding a bfa mount I convert it to 3.3.5 but I get the creature in white color, everything sometimes comes out some parts with its original colors as an example as a fox mount, the fox comes out in white not its original color

    3. Alastor Strix'Efuartus
    4. jhoancito


      How do I know the TXID, can you explain me please or do you have any guidance, please, I just need that to learn, I would appreciate it a lot if you would help me with that

  17. yo no dije que es un paquete lee bien amigo antes de comentar dije que lo actualizare en la expancion 9.0.2 me falta convertir y provarlo en 3.3.5 en otra lee bien o traducelo bien antes de comentar
  18. buen aporte amigo seria mejor character con smoke
  19. bueno para mi es m2 tiene que areclado la direccion con programa 010 eso pasa buen oen creature lo areclo asi no se sera lo mismo en characters