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Everything posted by Chase

  1. All of my content was stolen from them as well. Already made a thread similar. People will shrug it off because they don't know how it feels when all your hard work goes down the drain, as it has not happened to them.
  2. I will just start off with these messages from the server owner to set the mood: I was a patch creator for Roleplay Heaven (RPH) back in the day. I created patches like where you can select all the NPC skins in the character creation screen. I was suddenly banned one day after suggesting having two developers, as development was very slow and nothing happening for months. I went to my fallback, the server I once called names, Paragon RP. They welcomed me with open arms. I gave them every patch I created for Roleplay Heaven, and even helped them create new ones. Speed forward to Paragon updating to Legion. RPH finally updates too, after months, and their patches have a slightly uncanny resemblance. Most of these are just to prevent crashing when using NPC hairstyles in the barbershop. But that last hair was custom made by me, unless they had the same idea. They completely stole everything and removed the servers name. This isn't the only thing they stole. I had an addon named RPH Helper. After being banned I completely rewrote it for Paragon. They went on Pragon and downloaded my addon, renamed it all to RPH Helper, removed my name, and posted on the forum and said they "Updated" it. After 11 months banning me, Roleplay Heaven still uses my content, and content of other people they have banned, and I want everyone to be weary, especially after the owner is going on places like Modcraft, and model-changing asking for help, promising money, which I'm sure they wont get in return.
  3. I seem to be the only one not shitposting in this thread. I'm making valid points but everyone in this thread from rph just seems to counter them by telling me to kill myself.
  4. Its extremely unethical, Just like the companies who use other peoples art and make millions of dollars of of the stolen art on t-shirts. You can only say this because you haven't had anything stolen yourself. Its extremely disheartening, and almost makes me want to discontinue any of my work. Although for now I will continue just with many layers of extreme obfuscation for my addons.
  5. It certainly took more than 5 minutes. I was working on the Legion version before any servers were even Legion.
  6. If its useful, they would leave it intact and use it without renaming, removing my name in the table of contents, and stripping the addon of all its parts. Making Quick Join use phases was literally just changing the string ".tele" to ".phase join" You act like its a huge overhaul that they did.
  7. They are not the same addon, as you refuse to acknowledge, I rewrote the addon ENTIRELY for paragon, they are two separate things. This does not excuse the fact that they also stole the Quick Join addon which I have NEVER released for RPH
  8. They continue to use the versions I make specifically for Paragon. I could care less if they use the one I gave to them. Hell I can care less if they use Paragon helper without renaming it. But they have to be extra and steal it and make it obvious that they stole it by renaming everything and ripping out parts of the addon that their server cannot do.
  9. wat. Skipping over the nonsense, yes my addon was originally developed for RPH, I gave full consent to them using that. This new version of Paragon Helper was completely rewritten, specifically for Paragon. Both times Goudy has uploaded it, renamed it, stripped out 1/3 of the addon, and claims its his work, or that he updated it himself. This is stealing no matter how hard you try to look at it. Maybe me nagging Dread was part of the reason why I was banned, but I see a common theme of every single patch/content developer being banned. There's literally no one left, its baffling.
  10. Update: Both Paragon's and Roleplay Heaven's Mac clients were both created on December 23rd at exactly 23:12. Wonder how that works?
  11. This is the server owner after I told him where our patches are. He literally thinks its funny that hes stealing everything.
  12. I like Blipster too, theres buttons for "Clothing texture" and "Character texture" if also not checked it gets the best format for your image, for example if it does not have alpha it wont try to put it into a format with alpha.
  13. They are not out of date, its that you are the only one that is going ahead farther than wotlk. People like me and Rangorn who are already far beyond modding Legion just learn stuff ourselves because everyone wants everything handed to them on an 8 year old version of the game.
  14. I'm sure blizzard has their own model editor, which you can paint directly onto the model. But honestly, I don't see anything wrong with your textures? Night elf muscles seem to have a bit too much definition though.
  15. Yeah WoD model viewer cant load custom "patches" yet, sadly. Its the only downside I've seen.