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Everything posted by UltraNic

  1. Hey Guys, I am looking for the Arathi Warfront for 3.3.5a I tried it on my own but it won't work I would really appreciate it if someone could provide the ADTs and WMOs for it. Thank you very much
  2. I tried your tutorial and it worked fine but I dont have any textures applied to my model. I tried to stick with Alastors tips but I really don't know what to do, Textures should be imported with the .OBJ normally but there is none. The Video he posted got deleted unfortunately. Perhaps someone can help me pls?
  3. Hello, I tried to convert "elwynntreecanopy04.m2" to Wotlk with the new textures from Legion. But unfortunately it didnt work I took whole folder "trees" where several other .m2/.skin and .blp files are located. After I put them into the converter I make a custom patch and put the files in there (I guess the converter saves the files from where I dragged them in for example the files are from "Legion 7.3.5/ClientFiles/Worl/Azeroth/Elwynn/PassiveDoodads/Trees" then they get saved in the same folder right?). Then I tried to look at them in the WMV for 3.3.5a (ofc after I put the custom patch in the 3.3.5a Data folder) but everytime I see the damn ugly old tree I know it maybe sounds ridicoulos, but is there something like a "step-by-step" guide for this?
  4. Is there some way to donate to you?
  5. UltraNic

    Favorite Corner

    haha this is so awesome
  6. Years after watching "Never stay tuned" Machinima again I suggest you boys try out this precious: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GscSTPv1EM8
  7. looks really cool!
  8. Hey guys so I've been working on Blizzard ADTs and adding new groundobjects to each ADT and it worked fine on the first ADT but when I put 25 ADTs on the groundeffect adder and afterwards put them into ground_Doodad_fix and replaced them with the old ADTs in my project directory I got ingame and everything started crashing! Its always the same error: I was looking around the internet for a possible solution and got here: http://modcraft.superparanoid.de/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=3627 It seems like this one solution from "Vel" should be working but I really dont have a clue what he means so I am pretty much on a lonely island. If someone could explain me how to fix this error without losing my whole work I would really appreciate it! UPDATE: I really dont know why lol, but when you go into Noggit and change something after the crash, save it and pack it into your patch and my error is gone. Just go ingame, ride around and remember the place where you got the crash, go into Noggit and change something on that ADT where you got the error before (I deleted a small skeleton corpse for example) save it and update your patch with the changes you just did in Noggit. Go ingame and everything should work again, at least that worked for me lol
  9. Thank you! It finally worked! So glad that this part is done now
  10. Hello. For my current project I need to know how you swap the ground effects in a random zone in Azeroth. I edited the eastern plaguelands I wanted to switch the ground effects (small mushrooms, skulls, etc.) into ground effects of Elwynn forest for example.
  11. great tutorial, I like them even better than the original blizzard maps haha!
  12. No "Groundeffects" folder or "groundeffects.bat" are in the wowdevkit.
  13. Thank you for your tutorial but you should update it, in the wowdevkit is no groundeffects folder or a groundeffects.bat, very confusing, am I missing something right in front of me?
  14. Alright so I tried a few times to change the groundeffects on a certain ADT. But I get only fail results, I dont know what I am doing wrong, I was strictly following the tutorial on modcraft about how to add groundeffects: http://modcraft.superparanoid.de/viewtopic.php?f=78&t=3619 And I made a few screenshots:
  15. K thanks will try it out over the weekend
  16. So i need to delete the ground effects first with -1 and then add others?
  17. What a great looking tool! Looking forward for this, this will save a lot of time
  18. I guess I will try out the groundeffect adder method! Thanks a lot. The groundeffects will be overwritten so i can add the new ones I guess?
  19. Nice tutorial, but I got one problem: I got two .tga files during exporting my model. One with "blablabla_body.tga" and one "blablabla_hair.tga". I renamed the fileending to .png (like you said). I have two blp converter in my wow modding environment (one "BLPconverter6.exe" and one "BLPconverter8.exe"). I tried to put my "blablabla_body.png" file into both blpconverter.exe. But nothing happened, I dont get any .blp files. Nowhere. What am I doing wrong? Thanks in advance for your time
  20. Does this work with the wod race models too? (Orcs, Bloodelf, Nightelf etc.) or is another method required for this?
  21. Thanks alot for your quick answer
  22. Really nice guide, but what do you mean with " And I rework the face to fit well with the human model. "? I dont see any changes in those two pictures. Could you please explain your method.
  23. Really cool! Appreciate your work and time awesome
  24. Hello Guys. I am sitting on this problem for quite a few hours now, I hope you can help me: I wanted to create a new continent. I used the tool "ADTAdder" and used the file "D:\WoWModding\Tools\ADTAdder\template_0_0.adt" as source, the name of the map was "Azeroth2" and the coords were from '0 - 0' to '24 - 56'. After I did this, I created a seperate folder in the ADTAdder folder, named "Azeroth2" and put all the .adt files in there to keep everything nice and clean. The next step I did was using "Rius Zone Masher" from the WoWDevKit and put all the .adt files in there and moved it a little to the center so I have more space for future changes. The Tool did its work and the .WDT file was created. Everything seemed perfect. After that I changed the map.dbc file which I extracted from the "Client335aTest" folder which contained WoW on patch 3.3.5a to the "ClientFiles" folder. So I had a seperate map.dbc file in the ClientFiles folder. I used that to edit the changes and it looked like this: After I edited it, I saved it under "D:/WoWModding/Projects/Chronicles of Azeroth/DBFilesClient" I copied also the "Azeroth2" Folder from Rius Zone Masher to "D:/WoWModding/Projects/Chronicles of Azeroth/World/maps" Now I created the patch in order to use the new map in noggit, I did this with MPQEditor1.1. I chose "Operations >> Build MPQ from Directory" and chose "D:/WoWModding/Projects/Chronicles of Azeroth" as "Build from" and chose "D:/Client335aNoggit/Data/patch-4.mpq" as file name. Clicked on "create" and the tool did its job. After everything was finished and the patch was in the Data folder of the Client335aNoggit it looked like this: Well, everything seemed finished and ready to be worked on in Noggit. But nope. I opened it and nothing changed, no "Azeroth2" or any other changes, everything was exact the same like before creating the patch-4.mpq. I looked into the logs and saw that there is "1047 - (World.cpp:152): World 725: Azeroth2 has no WDT file!" but why is that so? I put everything into the patch, I am confused. Here is the log: Quick sidenote here: I already used the tool megamoocow suggested me: Remove GlueXML But even after this the new Continent wont show up in noggit. I know this was a heavy wall of text but I wanted to provide as much information as possible so you can effectively help me. Thanks in advance for your time and help!