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Everything posted by Jøk3r

  1. Definetly nice to know that there are ways to directly read the original files. And it would be interessting for me to see how the handle the porting/reading. Just beeing curious here. Despite that i would still be interessted to see the maps in untity
  2. Nice idea. Are there any screenshot of ported maps? Would be interessting to see wow maps in unity.
  3. I want to make some level design (map creation). Any ideas what I can do?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Jøk3r


      Something dark and mysterious maybe a good thing.

    3. Skarn


      If you actually want something dark, you I suggest you making a zone with some dark forest or something. Something Moonfaire styled, maybe.

    4. Jøk3r


      Moon's ire is something that I don't know pretty well. Will have look at it. Thanks