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Everything posted by noc

  1. Je ne sais pas trop pourquoi mais mon projet a atterrie au mauvais endroit, pourriez vous le remettre dans les projets? I don’t know why, but my project landed in the wrong place, could you put it back in the projects?
  2. I think you can hide some CheckButton like CharCreateClassButton1 for class or like CharCreateRaceButton1 for race in CharacterCreate.xml
  3. noc


    I have 2 files you can use, 2 versions of msvcr100d.dll. version 2010v10-00-30319-1 and 2010v10-00-40219-1 msvcr100d 2010v10-00-30319-1.7z msvcr100d 2010v10-00-40219-1.7z
  4. This defines availability of classes for the different races, you can have a look here :
  5. I thought you were using the random button creating characters . Sorry. Do you change the CharBaseInfo.dbc ?
  6. huuu. The creation random button of course.
  7. it depends on what you want to achieve in that case why not hide the button ?
  8. Easier to see in : function CharacterCreate_Randomize() PlaySound("gsCharacterCreationLook"); RandomizeCharCustomization(); end Maybe with a local className = GetSelectedClass (); you could have the name of the class and do another CharacterCreate_Randomize (); if this corresponds to a prohibited class, the same with a local raceName = GetSelectedRace (); Something like that.
  9. The charactercreate.xml is only there for interfacing, the charactercreate.lua for management and other options . You must change your charactercreate.lua to manage classes and races that you want to use. Could you share your charactercreate.lua ?
  10. Have you changed your file CharacterCreate.lua ?
    A big thank you for sharing this , I hope you continue developing your server. I have nominated my services but I still do not program in C # , but if I can help you otherwise ... Un grand merci pour ce partage, j'espère que vous continuerez le développement de votre serveur. Je vous aurai bien proposé mes services mais je ne programme toujours pas en c#, mais si je peux vous aidez autrement ...
  11. Thank Kaev, you're right. I found some informations here : and here :
  12. like this ? Int_Seconds = int.Parse(TextBox1.Text);
  13. Hum ok, you have only 18 RACE_ICON_TCOORDS but you have MAX_RACES = 12 so you must have 24 in at least RACE_ICON_TCOORDS
  14. And just hide the buttons?
  15. Les chroniques de la destinée. (Merci Alborq pour le nom) Français : English : Français : English :
  16. Les chroniques de la destinée. (Merci Alborq pour le nom) Français : English : Français : English :