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Everything posted by Athris

  1. Core: Trinity Core Patch: 3.3.5a Hello together, I notify that the hunter characters only shows range weapon at the character screen. For example the warrior class shows every weapon like swords, etc. Does anybody know where i can modify this?
  2. Hello! I switch the bloodelf race to alliance faction, but now i get stuck at the flightpoints from Silvermoon and Tranquillien. The flightmaster has all the alliance nodes, but he doesn't show Silvermoon and Tranquillien. I look trough the TaxiNodes.dbc, TaxiPathNode.dbc and TaxiPath.dbc, but i dont find a flag for the faction (Alliance&Horde) who can use this taxi node. Does somebody has an idea?
  3. I try Graturals idea, but in character creation and character select screen i only see the range weapon. Any other ideas?
  4. Mhm i mean the character login screen not the screen ingame if i press 'c'
  5. Doey nobody has an idea? I look into CharacterScreen.lua and xml and the ChrClasses.dbc, but i found nothing about this
  6. Thats the problem: if (CharSectionsEntry const* entry = GetCharSectionEntry(race, SECTION_TYPE_SKIN, gender, 0, skinColor)) GetCharSectionEntry returns NULL: std::pair<CharSectionsMap::const_iterator, CharSectionsMap::const_iterator> eqr = sCharSectionMap.equal_range(uint32(genType) | uint32(gender << 8) | uint32(race << 16)); for (CharSectionsMap::const_iterator itr = eqr.first; itr != eqr.second; ++itr) { if (itr->second->Type == type && itr->second->Color == color) return itr->second; } return NULL; The eqr variable contains the wrong values. So the "for loop" exit on the first "run" and returns null. I dont know why...
  7. Hello, i convert my old 3.3.5a trinity core (2014) to a new 3.3.5a core (2016). I create goblins as custom race, but now if i want to create or login i get the follow message from trinity core: So i try to debug it. I think something with the CharSelection.dbc is wrong, but i dont know why. See attach for my CharSection.dbc Does anybody has an idea? CharSections.dbc
  8. Mhm i activate the race 9 in SharedDefines.h. Did i forgot something?
  9. Hello! I use a Trinity Core 3.3.5a (fresh release) and i create only a single class (class id = 1 warrior). This class has every weapon skill (for example sword, bow, wand, etc.), but if i log in my core create this error message: Player::_LoadSkills: Player '%s' (%s, Race: %u, Class: %u) has forbidden skill %u for his race/class combination This message appears when the core load the skill 163 (Wand). Is it possible to add the skills to the class? Do you know where?
  10. Okay i understand but how do you know the connection between the skill id in log and the skill id in dbc? Trinity write in log that skill with id 163 is not possible for this race/class combination, but you look for skill id 144. How?
  11. But i dont understand the dbc: Where i say: "This skill number 12345 is allow to race -1 and class 1"?
  12. Hello, i modify my spells with the spell editor from stoneharry. Now i have a problem that my spell (for example a Fireball) dont hit my target, because the target has a higher level. Does anybody know which attribute i must set to pretend this hit miss?
  13. I found my code line: local targetLevel = UnitLevel(self.unit); UnitLevel returns -1 by high level target. That is the problem... UnitLevel is a internal function, right? Can i modify or override the function?
  14. Client: 3.3.5a Core: Trinity Core Hello everybody, i have a few qustions about the duel system, the playerframe and the level display. 1. Playerframe In player frame (I mean right click on your character portrait) there is a option names Player vs player (Activate / Deactivate), but i dont find the lua file which create this option. I want to hide the option, because i dont want that somebody can change the pvp status. 2. Is it possible to add a new option to this player portrait names "Cancel duel"? If your character is in a duel, then the character can only finish the duel by leaving the area or die. I want to create a third option. The duel willl be cancel by clicking on this new option. 3. I set my realm to PVE and activate all interaction options between horde and alliance, but if i inspect a character from the other faction i only see "Level ??" and a skull. If the enemy characters level is under my level or at most 10 level above my level, then i see the level. Does anyone know how i can modify this to see always the level from other characters? Thank you for reading. I hope you can help me!
  15. Okay i found the UnitPopup.lua. But you're right... marco functions allow to change the pvp mode. Does anyone know how trinity core manage this functions or how i can deactivate them? /edit Okay remove the strings in the global strings... so easy. So problem 1 and 2 is solved. Problem 3 still be exists.... 3. I set my realm to PVE and activate all interaction options between horde and alliance, but if i inspect a character from the other faction i only see "Level ??" and a skull. If the enemy characters level is under my level or at most 10 level above my level, then i see the level. Does anyone know how i can modify this to see always the level from other characters?
  16. I found nothing in trinity core... like a pvp toggle function or something like that.
  17. I want to deactivate it, because play fights only allow in duel format. I want to disable other pvp actions. Mhm i look into the permission table, but i dont find a permission which modify the "level range". Do you know the name of the permission?