Alastor Strix'Efuartus

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Posts posted by Alastor Strix'Efuartus

  1. Well we all have been thru similar situation i guess :D  I had lot of fighting with community i was playing with too and result was me leaving wow and all of em behind  (Amaroth could tell you a nice story about it)


    But in this situation i would mention smth ... ( quote from overwatch) "Always leave yourself a backdoor" 
    ïts not one of most lightsided things but i dont care not even a little since they asked me to help them and so i did but to prevent them from kicking me out I have always few roots in system to use in situation like this when they turn all againts you ... well not like if i ever used them much but sometimes they deserve total wipe and if you are the smart one in team be ready and burry nuclear bomb in theirs files beacuse i can asure you day when youll have to trigger it will mostly like come


  2. Its quite funny when you all try to figure out what is wrong with his BLP but problems is in PNG itself he saved that PNG is some true color 48 bit  I guess and such format is BLP convertor unable to handle just save it as 256 color mode (8bit)
    you may lose some extra quality but its going to work and to be honest its not that bad quality after all

    i have seen this problem many times and i have even randomly encountred it here in my video



  3. Well Im not sure what exactly you mean by outdated tuts ? For example my tuts are working very well for messing with M2s in LK environment as I have even remastered one of them so far ... ( nothing much to say Amaroth has said it all )


    Skarn made my day here :

    9 hours ago, Skarn said:

    Custom WMOs and M2s was only something we could dream about.

    To create custome m2 ... that was my first goal I wanted to achieve when i started modding in 2012 :D Lookin' at myself now ... well OK but back then it was real hell if you compare it to present days
    First 3d static models used MDLVIS which is total crap itsw more unstable then windows 95 dropped off by unstable portal 

    • Like 1

  4. I was never midding WoD at first place so I have no idea what has to be do in order to get that transparency working ... 
    im just telling ya that you cant use same way as if it was LK ... so if there is any WoD modder around with skills in 3D stuffs ask him 

  5. You should mention what expansion it is instead what model it is which quite irrelevant

    if its LK i can maybe do smth but if its WoD then i must says that i have already seen one such case where transparency was not transparent but black in place where it was obviously transparent (same model worked in LK w/o problems) not sure what they fucked up in WoD again 

  6. My personal opinion on LK / WoD modding is simple -> I hate what WoW Became When Cat came out and every expansion from That Certain point around 2010 (Cat +) was only worse gameplay was totally fucked up back Then in early WoW times it was Difficult to get into high tier of player base you Had to spend actual time to get something it was about grinding but now you get Everything without any Significant need for player's skill or huge of amount of time now every single scrub can get every single crap you can of thing thats what I hate

    Community was Divided into masters and noobs but now with all Those Shits like mass adjusting stats in BGS Lizzard community made it fade into Each Other and way to stand out from Those lines of players are quite gone ... if you dont get what I mean I give you one simple example

    Vanila from 1 lvl to 60 is about 3,5 days approx ( iv seen 1d13h in extreme)
    Legion from 1lvl to 110 is about 8 hours approx (iv seen 6,5h in extreme)
    Gems are gone too glyphs too as I know and talents are generally shit compared to LK system etc ..,

    for me everything above LK is like this  
    graphics - 11/10
    gameplay - 2/10
    and here is my meme 4u
    • Like 1

  7. Shame you didnt asked like year ago back tghen i had same problem because TrinityCore is becaming quite shit with all those updates liek Rback and similiar crap so after all those years not even simple thing like learning plate will work you for there are various protections to cockblock such events from happening cuz its not the way it should be by someones opinion where exactly its burried in TC i have no idea but you have to count on fact that one thing can be referenced at 3 points or smth liek this and you have to change them all etc... welcome to our new update TC ... i would rather use the one from 2012 i will rather have 666 of security loopholes then system that isnt even listening to what you want otherwise you learn its every corner in order to make it work as you want

  8. 01d09408b77e4d59829ac337f52c0140.jpgcd17654c205a4f9bb69a66d87564aecd.png





    1. Adstartans Convertor cant handle 100% of everysingle model since Models and WMOs are Blocked and this means they are not same we can understand its structure and maybe create smth that will be able to handle 90% of it but there will always be some crappy model that will fuck up 

    2. Converting everything is unstable for client since you are changing base models with new ones that are meant just for upper expansions like taking LK model from Legion and placing it into LK again its poitless and its only confusing the game as you could noticfe its crashing for you

    3. biggest problems are WMOs since they can cause crash just because they want there is no Catch Exception for them or any Crash Hooking code - M2s have one but not in case that particles are wrong so you should take care of them too

    4. ce962e7da18643d3984824681075afbc.png

    5. if you rly want to convert everything just like that do it in small infusions liek folder by folder so you can easly figure out where problem is and find specific model that is causing crash

    6. you have mentioned some WMOs that are causing crash so start right there and try to downport them with other convertot like some 010 based script that was here before Adspartans convertor 

    7. if are M2s with particles the reason to crash check MR.Farrarie's guide to chop down particles / DELETE them at all by nullifing ParticleEmiters and its offset

    8. eat burger 

    9. check if your patch didnt reached its maximall size since one MPQ can handle only 524287 which is i guess ((2^19)-1) but dont extroduse its base size thru MPQ tools just make new patch with this size its safer this way 

    10. Piece is a lie 

    11. you can convert everything anyway since legion has more then 650k files which is more then one MPQ can handle so you will have to separate files into multiple archives and prepare for fact that its going to be like 35gb +/-

    12. be extra carefull at interface folder or dont convert it at all its causing most of problems since LUA UI is using in some cases new functions that are not in LK 

    13. chop off cameras / shaders / spells - since these folders arent much of help to you with exceptions for spells but spells are just bunch of partcicled models where every second causes crash without propeth fix

    14. WMOs from legion cant even be converted all since its not using materials like old WMOs did Lizzard Entertainment is making new things which leads to fact that old convertors that are meant for everything below Legion or some certain Legion WMOs that arent yet changenged / turned into this new system will not work anymore soon™


  9. it took already 10 years ? damm i was in modding just for 6 years for now and i think i still stand on top even when im not modding anymore 


    In first way you can start with this TuT ?

    but thats only what i have already said last time 
    Meta did some tut on it but he was using tool but you can do it manualy by copyrighting hex bytes   "






  10. 2 hours ago, Sheldon said:

    It was a bit wrong to do that, but it was so much crazy and fun, that I still have some of the screenshots from that day




    Hahaha :D me 2 :D it was gud time back there like 2012+ on Holymord 

  11. you can disable particle effects that are activated by $event  like "$HIT    —    PlayWoundAnimKit"

    and add constant particles that will glow always

    by this block you can navigate further just add refferences to offsets etc ... Meta did some tut on it but he was using tool but you can do it manualy by copyrighting hex bytes as i did few times you just have to keep eye on required resources by particle emiter like textures and such crap + attach it to correct bone if you dont have one you can create new

    • You can make copy of spell like arcane intelligence that is using on spell impact logo of that blue eye - so you can change sittings to not be as impact but as state so effect will hover above you as long as you have buff 
    • then you can change spell effect from inteligence bonus to stealth detection + set range 
    • then you can check if is model loaded by spell visual kit Billboarded but i think it already is so it doesnt matter 
    • in the end make copy model of spell change its texture to some random ornament you want and set this new model as new visual kit for your spell
    I guess this shoud be all - work for 10 mins 
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  12. " Hello, MC-Net community! I think most of you know about Neo. I am glad to tell you guys that development of Neo WoW Editing Suite is back!  "

    OK so neo was gone for a while and now is black ? to be honest im quite bored from all of this :D since it looks like NEO is some kind of Noggit 2 and its being hyped and hyped and hyped and hyped even when there isnt much to be hyped about ...

  13. cbf02338fa8249ea80e1781ae9b5b908.jpg



    Not sure what is your problem i see only Orc Female with Orc Male skin on it and i assume since you are typing .morph in chat its morph as well what we see on screenshot so morphs are handled in CreatureModelData from where is loaded Model to CreatureDisplayinfo where actualy ID is dat morphs and last culoumn is Baked Texture so just change it i guess 

    you were also talking about some WoD expansion which i cant assume much from it since you didnt stated anything more helpful but i try it and say that there is possibility that have HD models with bad UV map or classic model with HD textures and again UV map wont fit dat so ... try some of those 

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