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Files posted by Amaroth

  1. Amaroth's Toolpack

    There was a report about this supposedly containing malware, though my PC is clean, the pack is clean, and the reporting person's antimalware was behaving in a very odd and jumpy manner overall. Note that this pack contains couple of apps which are pretty much straight up hacks and many apps from "unknown publishers", there's also file downloading launcher and whatnot - it is susceptible material to being marked by antimalware. It should be clean. But it's up to you whether you trust me on that.
    As a rule of thumb, please, check README.txt file in any directory where such file is before using that part to ensure you know all the important info. Contents:
    AmarothTools AmarothsLauncherRelease - a fairly primitive launcher based on reading config files and downloading/uploading changelog, patches and addons from FTP. AmarothsToolkit - old version of my toolkit, later I decided to split the project into the following tools. ClientItem - a pair of tools fo syncing item_template <-> Item.dbc. GobGenerator - generates gobjects in gameobject_template out of models provided in GameObjectDisplayInfo.dbc ListfileCreation - do not use unless you know what are you doing. NPCGenerator - for Creature displayID WMV > DBC > DB pipeline. WMOListFile - for obtaining a full list of files used by ADTs, M2/MDX and WMO in the folders under this. Note that its code sucks and is not 100% perfect. CASC CascView - 32 and 64bit versions of CascView, required for obtaining Blizzard files for conversion into WotLK. Listfile - listfiles for extracting files with CascView. DBC LightMapper - can be used for a great visualisation of lights on a map. WoWSpellEditor_1.8.8 - haven't gotten to actually testing this tool yet, but definitely worth sharing. WDBX Editor - for DBC editing, DBC <-> CSV conversions etc. EnGBBlizzlikeDBCs - just blizzlike DBCs, can be useful as a backup. Map AdtAdder - a small tool for mass copy-pasting ADT for inicial filling of a new map/newly expanded map, don't forget to run offsetfix afterwards as well. ADTGrids - some helpers you can use, reflecting basic grids on ADTs. FuTa - a tool for importing and exporting alpha maps (painting textures on ADTs with Photoshop). GroundEffects - tools for applying, removing or changing ground effects on ADT. GruulMeWDT - my preferred way of editing (editing, not creating!) WDT files. NoggitQt_3_2771 - an up to date test version of map editor. NoggitSDL_3_1408 - this is old SDL version of Noggit. It is non-public release, newer than SDL 1.4, fairly stable, may be able to open something Qt cannot. Rius Zone Masher - I do not really remember why I have not ever been using this tool for creation of new maps - I just know I have not been using this tool :D. Sharing it regardless. Models anim porter - I do not even remember what this is for, do not know wthere it is up to date, nor whether it is still useful at all. M2ModRedux 4.6.1 - same like anim porter. MDLVIS 1.40 - same like anim porter. MDX - same like anim porter. MultiConverter_3.3.0 - Officially Legion > WotLK converter, but seems to do alright with BFA as well. Scripts - a mix of random stuff, same like anim porter. OBJtoM2 could be useful if you for any reasons cannot use WoW Blender Studio. Leaving it here for the time being. WoW Blender Studio - still under development, but should make all the other stuff in Models section outdated and redundant. MPQ FuckItUp.exe - removes (listfile) from MPQ, making files more difficult to extract, and thus edit or steal. MPQEditor.exe - v3.2.0.535 is a very old version, but I found it to be very reliable. I had issues with up to date versions, and rather reverted back instead of risking having files corrupted. Other 010 - scripts and templates for 010 Editor. Mordred_LoginScreen - what I have used to make my own custom login screens. PuTTy_0.73 - for managing the server WMT335a - camera hack, light testing. WMV - couple of versions of WoW Model Viewer. HxDsetup.exe - HxD can be used as an alternative hex editor, unlikely to be useful to any 010 Editor owner. xyz-hack.exe - useful for precise gobject spawning. This is a hack, please, do not abuse. Textures BLPConverterGUI - enables mass PNG <-> BLP converting. BLPPhotoshopPlugin_1.0 - Photoshop BLP file support. README.txt - version, release date, links… Wow.exe - removed MD5 check, enabling UI edits within patches etc. Share this with your players, especially if you want to customize anything in your UI, including the login screen.  
    If you are following my english YT channel, this is a toolpack I will be using there.
    Overview video:
    My Eng YT channel HERE


    (4 reviews)



  2. ItemSync

    ItemSync is tool for keeping your Item.dbc up to date with your server's database. It can also insert items which are n DBC, but are missing in database, into database. This can come in very handy for mass-importing NPC-only items (like glaives for sentinels and so on) into database, so players can use them as well.
    For tutorial how to use this tool, compatibility and other useful info, check README in repository.
    Barncastle (and people who helped him) - for WDBXLib for DBC/DB2 and code revision&suggestions. Kaev for some small yet very useful tips about WPF. Смердокрыл for DO STUFF(tm) button suggestion.


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  3. GobDisplayGenerator

    Version 2.0 is under development at the moment. Repo:
    Upcoming features:
    Change UI to WPF Provide configuration options via XML (thus extending compatibility) Direct DBC editing (without need of conversions to CSV) Include features ensuring avoidance of duplicate display and gameobject creation Extend possibilities of choosing what gets generated and what not  
    Video tutorial:

    Yet another little tool from me. This one creates gamobject displayIDs and template gameobjects out of listfile, which means that it can create thousands of gameobjects in a few seconds - great for projects making their custom models and retro-porting them from newer expansions. Listfile can be anything containing full paths to files separated by line breaks. It creates gameobjects only for M2 and WMO files, others are ignored. Tool also generates template gameobjects with their model names as names (and optional prefix/postfix), which means that generated models are easily recognisible and that when you find nice-looking model in WMV and want to use it for spawn or for creating some gameobject you need, you can find that gameobject's template generated version just by typing its name into lookup command. This makes this tool viable even for usage on models which already are in WotLK client, as it makes life of spawners much, much easier.
    - Generate your GameobjectDisplayInfo's CSV file and put it into directory where GobGenerator is.
    - Get or create a listfile. The easiest way of doing so is simply creating an MPQ with all models you want to have gameobjects made of and just extracting its listfile. Note that you can also use listfiles of blizzlike MPQs, if you want to generate gameobjects for all blizzlike models as well.
    - Open GobGenerator. Select input listfile (you can also type into model path field, which makes using larger number of listfiles with similiar names in the same path very easy).
    - Fill in your database credentials. You may want to test a connection before proceeding.
    - Start displayID is being taken from your GameobjectDisplayInfo.dbc (its 1 higher than the highest ID found in DBC). If you happen to see value 1 here, something is really wrong and check if your CSV is OK and in GobGenerator's directory.
    - Start entry is by default 400000 and I'd suggest you to keep it that way. There are some gobs on 300000+ entries in blizzlike TC2 DB, thats why I've used 400000. Final entry of generated gameobject will be start entry + gob's displayID. This means that gob with displayID 96835 will have entry 496835 - and that can be sometimes very handy.
    - Fill in prefixes and postfixes of gob names. Don't forget to add space behind prefix and in front of postfix, if you want to have it there. Gob's name will be prefix + its model name + postfix. So, if you choose "[Gen] " as prefix and " [DO NOT EDIT]" as postfix, result gob name might be something like "[Gen] mymodel.m2 [DO NOT EDIT]".
    - By default INSERT queries are being used, which means that if any gameobject entry is already taken in DB, it will result in error. You can choose REPLACE, which will overwrite whatever might be on entries where gameobjects are to be put.
    - Done, click on generate. If you have multiple listfiles, just select the 2nd one and click on generate again and so on.
    - If anything goes wrong while SQL queries are being executed, those which weren't successful are being held in a backup file. There is also a file which keeps all possible SQL errors.
    Thats all, C# src is, as always, included, and DBC to CSV convertor DBCUtil I use for this kind of quick tasks as well. If you happen to find any critical bug, let me know, but I don't really have a spare time to make source nicer or something like that, so report really only issues with functionality itself.


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  4. NPCDisplayGenerator

    Version 2.0 is under development at the moment. Repo:
    Upcoming features:
    Change UI to WPF Provide configuration options via XML (thus extending compatibility) Direct DBC editing (without need of conversions to CSV) Include support of items held in hand  
    A tool for generating CreatureDisplayInfo.dbc, CreatureDisplayInfoExtra.dbc and optionally creature_model_info and creature_template data for a character created in WMV.
    How to use:
    - Convert your up to date CreatureDisplayInfo.dbc and CreatureDisplayInfoExtra.dbc to CSVs and place them into the folder with this tool.
    - Open a WMV. Create your character, and save it as .chr file (F7 hotkey). Also save its texture (by using File>Export Model>X3D... option you'll get texture you want and some mess you can delete). Repeat this step for each character you want to create creature displayID for.
    - Open an NPCGenerator. Fill database connection credentials (you need to do so even if you turn off creature_model_info and creature_template generation, because NPCGenerator will need to get item display IDs from your database).
    - Now just click on Select .chr file, select your .chr file. Click on Select texture, select your character's texture. Check if there's anything else in window you'd like to change (you'll probably find yourself using all other options with their default values). Click on Generate. Repeat for each character.
    - ??
    - Profit.
    C# src is included. I'm opened to suggestions and feedback, however, I'm quite busy so I'll probably just fix critical bugs if you find any.


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  5. New Custom WMO set

    For more detailed description and screenshots visit this project's page:

    Patch contains always the newest version of all buildings, all textures used by them (I make copies of Blizzard textures, mainly because if anyone of you happens to have them already and have them edited in any way, the look of my models is preserved) and also all M2s used in doodad sets. Models are for 3.3.5a, so if you work on a newer expansion, WMOs should work just fine for you (if not, consult more experience devs in such matters than I am) and you might want and need to replace M2s in doodad sets by the ones which are actually for your expansion. I'm just a beginner at WMO creation, so you might want to edit these models a little bit. I'm always opened to suggestions and feedback (even while I also like to do things in my way, by my rules, following my opinions).
    You can use this for your personal projects, however, I'd like to ask you to add me into the list of contributors who helped you with creating that project. I probably shouldn't have to ask for this, it should be a matter of course, but... I think I don't have to finish this sentence.
    If you want to support me for making this, my Paypal account is
    Version 1.0 - the first set of 4 buildings, which are quite small, have up to 2 rooms. No cellars, no doodad sets, have slightly bugged transparency at windows, those are reasons why they might be subject of change later.


    (1 review)



  6. Amaroth's Gobject Patch

    Hello there little whelps,

    I used to use patch made by one guy from Ownedcore which included all M2s and WMOs existing in WoW turned into spawnable gameobjects. That means that you can simply search for model name in game and you will always find gob you can spawn. Its just great thing for gob spammers, I know, but problem is that patch from Ownedcore is just horrible in my opinion. It contains a LOT of completely unneeded objects and displayIDs and also is full of displayIDs with messed up bounding boxes (all copied from one blizzlike one), which leads into gobs lootable from 50yd distances an another funny results.

    So I made my own patch. Here is MPQ patch, DBC file and SQL dump (for TrinityCore2 revisions after WDBVerified column was renamed to VerifiedBuild). I tryed to make this completely noob-friendly so if you want to use this patch, you don't need to know anything about MPQ patches or DBC files, you just need to know the very basics of running TrinityCore2 server. READ README file. You will find how-to guide there. All gobs with custom displayIDs have [AmPatch] placed behind their postfixes and have entrys 410000 and higher. Their displayIDs are 10000 and higher, meaning that every gob has displayID=entry-400000. Good for searching for displayIDs.

    Version 1 - light pack
    This version contains all M2s and WMOs from World and Spell folders as spawnable gameobjects. Others were excluded, because majority of them just can't be used as gobs (they have no hardcoded textures for example - they are white completely ingame).

    Version 2 - full pack
    This pack contains really ALL M2s, even character, item, creature... And its needless to say that most of such things are completely useless as gobs. But someone still may preffer this version.
    If you want to create your own gob patch, you may use my tool I've released. It doesn't give you possibility to filter which gobs you can use, but it works. You will want to use this tool if you are retro-porting models or creating custom ones (in general, if you want to have gobs made of models which are not in blizzlike WotLK client).


    (1 review)



  7. vanilla-mop WoWMod Launcher

    This Launcher's main purpouse is to be easy, fast and convenient to use for both players and admins. Players get their client updated by clicking on one buttons, and admins don't have to spam news with patch releases, links to new versions of patches and so on. Launcher is nearly fully configurable and src is included, so you can do basically whatever you want with it. You can also fully translate your Launcher to your native language (or correct any posible mistakes I made since english ins't my mature language :D). You can also create multiple versions with different languages - all this without actually changing a src. If you happen to need to change src anyway, its written in C# (WinForms) and hopefully not too messy or too badly documented for you.
    Please note that this is the first version to ever be released (its actually a configurable remake of already released software, but... well). It is possible there are some unhandled exceptions or even bugs. I have been testing this tool for some time and there shouldn't be any real major issues, but one never really knows for sure. Keep a backup of your game client and don't set KeepBackups in config to 0 unless you are really confident this works correctly.
    Launcher is capable of following things:
    Deleting Cache folder. Removing (I use different word because optionally the most recent backups are being kept) outdated (or on web's filelist missing) MPQs in Data folder. Downloading any files specified in web's filelist into any specified local path in WoW's client folder. Unziping zipped folders (sadly, only zip is supported, rar, 7z and others not). Useful for AddOns. Dividing files into two categories - optional, and non-optional. User can choose which optional files are to be downloaded. All files can be organized into LinkedLists. If a file with a LinkedList is optional, it is an optional group. Player can either keep all files from an optional group, or none of them. Optional group can contain both files and zipped folder (AddOns). Self-updating, if a new version is released. Version system is based on one simple double-typed version number. Using different filelists. Which means you can have separated filelist (and files) for GMs/Devs and for players. Launcher also includes Changelog Browser (changelog entries have name, date, description and optionally a picture). There is also a Changelog Editor. To access it, you need to enter FTP login information. This serves for authentization of staff members, and also enables Launcher to upload edited changelog to FTP (so you don't have to put it there by hand). File downloading fully asynchronously, so users can browse changelog while files are being downloaded. Download speed, progress bar, percentage and stuff like that are being shown as well. Displaying of "hello image" which can for example be an image with some breaking news and stuff like that. How to configure:
    Rename your Launcher to whatever you want. Something like MyProjectsLauncher. Create a folder on your web where web side files will be kept. You can divide multiple things into multiple paths, but I'd recommend you to just have everything at one place. I'll call this a web's root folder (root folder for launcher stuff, not for web as whole, hopefully you understand me). Your web's root folder must contain file with current Launcher's version (I use launcherversion.conf). This file must contain only one double-typed number with . as a separator. Version of Launcher I'm releasing here is 1.0. You can change your Launcher's version in Core/Config.cs. If Launcher finds that value in launcheversion file is higher that its version, it attempts to update itself. Your web's root folder also must contain a zip file with a Launcher, its LauncherConfig.conf and optionally with its LauncherIcon.ico. I've named it, again, you can rename it. Your web's root folder also should contain changelog.xml. If it is empty or isn't found, a new one will be created when you'll try to create a changelong in Changelog Editor. Add a hello image (in my case hello.jpg) into your web's root folder. This image will be displayed in Launcher's main window and will most likely be used by you for displaying some breaking news. Add a file into web's root folder, if you want Launcher to change realmlist of players to your server. Also add the most important file for Launcher to your web's root folder: a filelist. I've called it filelist.conf. You can have multiple filelists on your web and release multiple Launcher versions which use different filelists. By using this technique you can release a Launcher for developers and a Launcher for players, which use different filelists and thus can download different files. Set your filelist. Follow examples in my filelist which you can find in an example web root folder I've added into this release. Read instructions very carefully, as filelist syntax should be strictly followed. Launcher can handle some fooled up entrys, but not all, and if filelist isn't succesfully readen (or if any files mentioned in it are missing/paths to those files in a filelist are incorrect), Launcher will simply refuse to update a game client. Open a ChangelogConfig.xml. You'll need to change all data in Paths element - make really sure that those paths are correct. By doing this you'll connect a Launcher to your website. Pay especially high attention to FTP path to a folder where changelog.xml is, what it should look lile- You may want to change something in Main element. Its not very likely, but take a look there. MainWindow element contains WindowName subelement. You'll most likely want to edit this. ChangelogEditor element contains DateFormat subelement. If you want to change this, DO SO BEFORE YOU CREATE A CHANGELOG. Otherwise you will end up with incompatible changelog and Launcher. The rest of ChangelogConfig.xml contains names for UI elements and various messages Launcher can output. Create your own icon in PNG format, google some online PNG to ICO converter. Done. Test if everything works correctly and release a Launcher. Launcher is to be put into WoW's root directory and thats pretty much all.
    Making this application took really some time and effort, I had to learn a lot of things to make it work and plan to make more tools and apps for WoW development. If you really like my Launcher and want to give me at least something in return to support me back, my Paypal account is:
    Its ofc up to you. Launcher is here for free, with source included. Do whatever you want with it. You may both keep using just my Launcher (and future releases, it runs on my project ad well, so I'll probably keep releasing bug fixes and so on) or create a new one based on this. I do realize that some parts of an app need improvement, let me know if you have any ideas or if you want to contribute to code of this public version.
    Skype: striker159753
    Repo on GitHub:


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  8. PlayerBytes calculator

    Just a simple tool for calculating PlayerBytes and PlayerBytes2 in characters.characters table for WotLK TC2 database (may work with newer or different databases as well, but that needs to be tested). It may be usefull especially for projects where NPCs based on player looks or players based on NPC looks are being used. It is able to get:
    Skin color Face Hair style Hair color Facial feature From PlayerBytes and PlayerBytes2, or it is also capable of doing exactly opposite - getting bytes from character display IDs.
    The problem is that alghoritm which core uses for generating PlayerBytes seems to come up with sometimes different values (although they give the same IDs as my alghoritm when being converted back). That may possibly cause some bugs or issues, hopefully not, but I would like to point that out anyway. So, use this tool carefully and feel free to let me know about anything you find out or if it just works fine for you. Getting IDs from bytes should definitely work without any problems, getting bytes from IDs - use that carefully. Thats all.


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