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Image Comments posted by Amaroth

  1. WoD quality, animations, ground effects... And its far from finished. Still, I found out that FPS drops are caused a lot by WMOs and water (at least in Noggit), and I won't have much of these 2 aspects here. So yep, hopefully it will work well :).

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  2. Thanks, that definitely sounds interresting, but my collisions will be based more on M2s than on terrain itself. I need to finish spawn of forests, then I can start thinking about collisions. Or would it be possible to import it into Blender even with models on that ADT?

    Aaand just btw, I am familiar with Maya, but I can't create even a single polygon in that damned Blender. I would have to learn how to use that program and honestly, I am really uncomfortable whenever I have to use it.

  3. It definitely won't look like it looks now (btw, on another screenshot you should be able to see I already started creating mountains from that flat terrain -

    ). I will finish those mountains - somehow - to make it look better. Anyway, noone will ever see that map from above, so its not that important to me now. I also don't want to rely just on terrain and collision - I really need to make damn sure players won't get ANYWHERE where they should not. Which means I will have to use many invisible collision walls to prevent them from climbing on rocks, going though forests which should be impassible and so on.

  4. world\generic\human\passive doodads\fog\sfx_fog_nasty_green.m2

    But that at ground was spawned as game object. Some vanilla fog effect if memory serves me well.

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