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Everything posted by AcoStar

  1. Before using this tutorial, make sure there are no better tools (like noggit red for shadowlands). With this guide, you will be able to convert your custom adts from LK to SL. You will probably need CascHost or Arctium Launcher to upload converted files to the game. This guide will not help you create a map from scratch, it only explains the process of replacing the existing adt in the game with your own. Converted adt will not have texture scaling or other cool features of new versions Step 1: Download compiled converter script here Step 2: Unpack archive into empty folder Step 3: Put your 3.3.5 adt files to the "input" folder Step 4: Run"Convert.exe" Step 5: Take converted files from "output" folder If you want to edit the map of a continent, such as the Eastern Kingdoms or Kalimdor, you will probably also need to remove two flags in your shadowlands wdt file. This is because the converter does not update the terrain LOD. In this regard, the terrain in the far distance may not be displayed correctly. The flags you need to remove are 0x100 and 0x8000. You can do it manually using the 010 editor or use the second script. Step 1: Download compiled WDT fixer here Step 2: Extract map.wdt file from your shadowlands client or download it from Step 3: Drag and drop the wdt file to "WDT flags fixer.exe" While running, the script uses two additional converters. Links to their repositories: Luzifix ADTConvert Varent ObjOptimizer You don't need to download them separately. Their executables already exists in the archive.
  2. The Cata and SL maps are quite different. I think you need another way to convert Check this