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Everything posted by Namok

  1. Thank you for this tutorial! It helps me a lot!
  2. Thank for your contribution Alastor, really appreciate.
  3. Hey there! Recently I started a project on TBC (2.4.3 rev.). When you enter in a dungeon on TBC and you press "m" your character don't appear on the world map and you don't have the map of the instance like in The Lich King of newer expansion. My goal is to add the dungeon map so the player will know where he is. I succesfully added my Worldmap, when I press "m" I have the good worldmap, I took for instance the Sunwell raid as you can see : But the thing is I don't know how to fill the positions needed in the DBC Worldmaparea, the positions are requiered to tell to the client : your player is here so you are here on the map" like here : I only found this information Map border coords. If anybody knows, feel free to send a PM !
  4. I know someone who ported pandaren, worgen, goblin to 2.4.3
  5. I had the same issue, I have been able to rename the original ADT and I edited it with gruul to only take the ADT I was interested in.
  6. Hello there, lately I downported Dalaran Arena map (from wow tools website) to TBC (2.4.3) and I have issue with the camera. Here is the link of the video showing the issue: I attached the WMO files if someone is interested. Thank you dalaran_sewer_arena.wmo dalaran_sewer_arena_000.wmo dalaran_sewer_arena_001.wmo
  7. Hello there, I was wondering if it was possible to import shape/texture from an existing map and put them on blank file? For instance can I take shape/texture from Durotar map (and not the WMO/M2) and put them into an other map that I call XXX. Thank you for the feedback.
  8. Version 1.0.0


    Hi guys ! here is my own Wow.exe GluesXML and FrameXML are removed, thank to Alastor who gave me some explanation/informations and, enjoy
  9. Welcome on this forum buddy! I hope you'll find what you are looking for on this website, don't hesitate to post/ask something, the community is friendly. Have a good time! Namok
  10. Thank you very much for this tutorial
  11. Woaw ! Impressive work Bardh, like always ! Keep it up !
  12. Impressionant ! J'ai vraiment hâte de jouer sur Shadow, je vous le dis !
  13. Thank for the share
  14. Hello, tout d'abord merci pour ce tutoriel, néanmoins je n'arrive pas à exporter les BLP contenu dans Murloc2 pour la simple et bonne raison qu'ils n'apparaissent pas, les fichiers .skin et m.2 sont présents mais les BLP semblent masquer, une idée ?
  15. Thank you very much for the share