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Everything posted by dashker

  1. teach us how to uv wirght the model all the other things are easy to do
  2. it's easy anyone who knows how to do it want to share it, because make uv's is easy but not working with the "extra" parts of the skin
  3. it's not a cdn, they use this version with mpq updater from server and client. https://github.com/luth31/ElunaTrinityWotlk/tree/feature-clientupdate
  4. how do i get a legion CDN? XD today is impossible to find out
  5. it's not working your discord sorry for downtime
  6. you can see at the wiki Emotes https://wowdev.wiki/DB/Emotes https://wowdev.wiki/DB/AnimationData
  7. it can be the dbc so when the character tries to emote something it will crash
  8. i am trying to uv map a character from a race but... i don't know how to uv map the extras so i can't fix the model completely
  9. but how i can paint it?
  10. Hello guys i am having problems verting Vulpera to WOTLK, i am trying to convert it from m2i to m2 but i am having this trouble Also i am having a problem when i try to wrap the rear part of the head that i has to go at the 00_00_extra file
  11. but how i can add in the head one extra texture, i mean, i want to put the back of the head but i don't know how to split the head how i can do it?
  12. but how i can split a UV to put it at another Image
  13. Changelog Do you want to see any change that i do? Here is your site, i will explain the new changes in the source. 04/08/2016 Finished Race Editor Thinking and painting in a paper the Bitmask Editor Every single label is not translated rgiht now i will do it tonight, i have to make the translations I only do English and spaniss translations, translators are requested 09/08/2016 CharBaseInfo done! - Done by Westtunger CharStartOutfit [Work in Progress] - Dashker and Westtunger Thanks for prividing me the right way to develop and leran more things :D, you are a genius!
  14. it has an entry in SQL i think, then view the generated documents about trinitycore and you will see how to do it
  15. i am trying to make it really easy to work with, cause everyone can't know all about the dbc, so i need to do it right, but i need more developers, i can't do it, every DBC myself so... help is welcome
  16. okay i will give you boith an account i will send you the details in a pm
  17. Killing bad code :D

    1. Oldarorn




  18. Time to learn DBCLib and Lists so tomorrow it will be another day

  19. Translation System is done! :D

  20. Time to rewrite the fucking code... fuck night, welcome headache

  21. i take this code and make a playground, to understand this code but i think it's a pretty good code, is my idea but better done, i have my own dbc reader and writer, but the difference is that i done manually to add or replace or remove a record, and the world editor library is doing by itself and it's more easyier, so save my time i think i can code a perrty good tool right now, the only thing i need is my fucking system translator working my algorith is not correct
  22. Hey everyone!, i need help with my tool, is developed in C#. My Tool consist in a Visual DBC + DB editor So for example, when do you add a new model for a weapon the program it will do all your job in the database. Things to implement: ChrClasses All items DBC Skills/Spells DBC DB/Server Bridge Another Wanted DBC Files The code is shit i know it and i have to do more objects i know it Apart from this... Help is wanted, but only developers. Feel free to comment in this post.
  23. this is true hahahaha, i will have to adapt it, but yes, i will see if i can port the dbc writer, i think for now its my number 1 priority
  24. I shit on SQL and bad ideas... 

    Fucking translation sistem...


    To remember : all i need is a good tower... fucking temperatures... fucking R9 290...

  25. Version 0.1.3


    So here you have a CSV and SQL. SQL part is not done, first i want to add all the functionalities to edit a lot of dbc. There are many things that i am implementing right now, so i need time i apreciate your comprehension Done CharBaseInfo CreatureDisplayInfo CreatureDisplayInfoExtra ToDo ChrRaces ChrClasses CharStartOutfit Item ItemDisplayInfo ItemSet How to use it: Please, put it in a folder and create inside the folder another folder called "DBC" and put there all the csv files with the format: "DBCFile.dbc.csv" I plan to do more DBC but i need time, then i will do a MyQL Connector and do a Races Modifier and a Class modifier.