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Everything posted by Thoraric

  1. Greetings! [I am the one, who is looking for job] I have a dream to create a Wow server based on Warcraft 3 story from the very beginning. At the first-hand players had the opportunity to get acquainted with this world in Warcraft 3. That's why I think many of us would see it in World of Warcraft. Whole Azeroth and Outland in different phases. I already worked 100+ hours on this project alone, but can't open it anymore since I moved to another computer. Unfortunately, I can't deal with my old MPQ-s on the new computer. Probably, someone will be able to open it with basic down ported models. (Until legion) My project:!Asrk_5wjkszIhKkN9EhehurNQgUpGA I don't expect any payment, although I know this project is huge. If someone is creating it, and he doesn't have enough human resources, I wanted to tell him: I am here. Important: I am an economics student and not an artist. (However, my gf is an artist and praised me, lol) So I lack the knowledge to create from scratch and using the blender. I can use photoshop to recolour some texture. I can only use Noggit and placing down objects and create living towns and environment that are in the database. Or cutting the bigger WMO-s into smaller parts, like I did it with Dalaran. Holy hell I can spend hours with building fences in Noggit I read a lot Wow Lore, and I am committed creating lore-friendly towns, and quest opportunities. Also, I have suggestions how can be this custom content sellable, playable, balanced and fun. I am doing my thesis at university and workings as a trainee, so I have free time. Note: I don't want to use my old maps anymore. Since "Battle For Azeroth" is coming, It includes better models for this territories. And I am not interested in any other projects, only this one. PM me here, I wouldn't share my private email address to the public. I included some pictures of this unfinished zones.
  2. there is a weird problem with the wmo-s, all the doodad sets appear in the same time. So there are no doodad sets just a bunch of models together. If a wmo has a lot m2-s inside the WMV cant open it.
  3. i think your link is better, gonna tell after i downloaded it. It would be great if there would be similar file with legion downported included maps.
  4. i find this
  5. Ah really, with this feature i don't need export blp-s and png-s, but i still need to set it to solid instead of texture to see the texture on the model properly.
  6. Can you tell me, how did you import the wmo into blender with working texture? I have to set it to solid to see texture. I already put the exported blp-s png-s next to the wmo file with path preserved and without it,but not working. What I see is the black model.I thought If i load game data and then import it, will solve problem, but it didn't.
  7. You could help newbies with a tutorial. I am sure there are people out there, who would appreciate it.
  8. logg into game, press esc, interface, graphic settings and down below tehere is particular lighning and uncheck it. and restart the game
  9. i can't drag items into the converter and i got a trollface how to fix this
  10. I tried to import "medivh" model into blender but I got this error message, the import is working for other models. What could be the problem? When I done with all the thing I want to upload the model for free to use. I am using m3 script from the tutorial from this site. How do I get the textures from the model? I don't have textures when I import straight to blender
  11. A great video about how you put doodads into your custom WMO-s would be really life-saving
  12. You are so nice guy, im glad that you help people and let them learn from you Im sure i will spend some time on your channel! Thank you!
  13. It looks like the tiny island to north from Icecrown. Whats the story of this misterious island?
  14. I wait for the moment when people stop exploit each other and start act like a human being who has spine. Modding Community should be a place of calling world of warcraft fans who create environment in this magical world.
  15. Do not misunderstand me, i never had intentions to make money this way. I just wrote about my thoughts as others did.
  16. The reason behind not sharing new tools and methods is simple. The person sacrifice days or even weeks during his work. This person needs inspiring to continue his work, and lies to himself he is going to make a fortune with his new skills. When will the person get back the time that he spent on his work? Well if he find somebody who pay for his skills. And what's going to happen if he give his work to public? He never will get profit, who would pay for something or even donate for something that free? In short, he will be at the same position as before start to work on his idea, or not? He "lost" the time while creating his idea. This situation is very true for programmers and designers. This kind of job needs smart thinking and creativity. They are actually clever people who worth their money. They put their efforts into something that become unique and specific. Who would give his time for free which is limited? Hell, people needs money, even programmers and designers. They have to buy always the newest electronic equipment or going on holiday after sitting in the dark room for months. I don't want to protect people who refuse to share their work. Just want to explain how their brain works according to my opinion. If you don't agree with me i gladly read your answers, always happy to discuss with people who are thinking different. :D
  17. Is it possible to add new race from scratch? Like a human race to horde while i i keep the original human race at the alliance?
  18. i love your descriptions, they are clear, short and even a semiliterate can understand them like me
  19. ahhaa i understand! :D thats really pretty great!
  20. may i ask you, what is this file? It's not clear for me 100%. but also really curious
  21. Thank you gonna, show picture about the solution
  22. I would like to create an M2 model. Which will appear on the top of some towers, like in warcraft 3. Picture: (The Sentry) This m2 will have an aura which detect enemy unit stealth characters. Any idea to do it? I would be happy if it would work like a portal spell. All the same which location you see the model, it will always face to your character. I want to create 95% the same model with same effect from warcraft 3. Show your pure genious.
  23. maybe not the wmo, a little doodad cause the crash