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Everything posted by Noones

  1. Well they dont work with your converter, or im doing something wrong. freshly exported, with ALL M2s and BLps, the needed Skin and BLP files for the M2s including, everything converted with your converter. An empty Map, just 1 WMO and a patch containing that map, the map.dbc, the wmo and all needed files. Im always getting a D11 Crash with your converted.. Map: Crash: Could you please help me with this? The Model im using here is World\WMO\Draenor\Human\6hu_barracks_pvp.wmo
  2. Awesome, will you build a converted for WOD Garnision Buildings infuture? They are missing specific Chunks if i did understand this right
  3. Skarn i love your folder / file sorting, did you do that with Raindrop or another tool?
  4. Noones


    Playing around with Wod and Legion models. Keep in mind that im not the best mapper Greetings Noones
  5. Fixed: If somebody else expierences this errors, the M2 Converter couldnt convert a few GENERICS Objects, which caused the crash in Noggit and Modelviewer. Adspartan updated his converter and it is now working 100%: Greetings Noones
  6. Hello everybody, my Noggit is crashing when im trying a custom patch i created. In this Patch im having a few Textures from Legion & WOD. Also the following WMO Files ( converted ): ThousandNeedles_RacerBarge 6HU_TRANSPORT_CARGOSHIP 6OC_Frostwolf_Barracks 6OC_Frostwolf_GuardTower 6OC_Frostwolf_HouseSmall 6OC_Frostwolf_TownHall All these WMOs work 100% when i add them to the Gameobject DBC and spawn them ingame. Noggit Log: Noggit Log on another Map: Tree of the Patch: The Patch itself:!GUAQkIYS KEY: !5VJ4Qqf_3kEwKaAxDNXUCzldLR0BgeOEOQI9xmB_f4Y The Files from the Patch:!eNJwgDJZ KEY: !sQI3KadcxkAAFBT9Z3GtbQbf6IskErBXNqKiXE6HDNI Can someone please take a look at this and explain my mistake to me? Greetings Noones
  7. Oh my God, that Worked! Thank you so much!
  8. Thanks! i tried Beanbag01-04, no one of them work Edit: When i open BBQ_01.M2 with 010 Editor and using the Template on it im getting the following error: ( the error is the same, before and after using your converter ) Also im getting the same Error with every file in the GENERIC Folder inside World.
  9. Could you try it yourself with : World\Generic\Goblin\PassiveDoodads\BBQ\Goblin_BBQ_01.M2 + 0100 SKIN? i tried all your Converters, tried different online storages, but each time convert it with your converter modelviewer crashes. I tried it with WOD Models etc, the "last modified" date changes on them, but not on the GENERIC\GOBLIN files ( which i need for an wmo ). Is there a possibility to get a log file out of your converter? Greetings Noones
  10. This Version just gets Greyed out and keeps loading, screenshot: Maybe im just too stupid for it
  11. i redownloaded it and got the same Problem. Example: World\Generic\goblin\passivedoodads\goblinmachinery\goblinweathervane.m2+ skin or World\Generic\Goblin\PassiveDoodads\BBQ\Goblin_BBQ_01.m2 i extracted both from CASC, opened your converter - dragged them in - pressed Fix ( The last modified date didnt change ) When i try to open them with Modelviewer ( Custom Patch ) i get this error: 20:03:20: Loading model: World\Generic\goblin\passivedoodads\goblinmachinery\goblinweathervane.m2 20:03:20: Error: Invalid model nameOfs=272/304! May be corrupted. I also opened the M2s in 010 Editor, both got version 272. Note: i also extracted all the needing BLP Files. Greetings Noones
  12. Extracted them via CASC, nothing changed. Most of the Models work now with your Converter, awesome, Thanks! But im getting a few Problems here and there: Cant load some M2s from Cata via the Modelviewer: 17:28:39: Loading model: World\Generic\goblin\passivedoodads\beanbags\goblin_beanbag_03.m2 17:28:39: Error: Invalid model nameOfs=272/304! May be corrupted. 17:29:22: Loading model: World\Generic\goblin\passivedoodads\ceilingfan\goblin_horde_ceilingfan_01.m2 17:29:22: Error: Invalid model nameOfs=272/304! May be corrupted. 17:30:34: Loading model: World\Generic\goblin\passivedoodads\crazymachines\goblin_batterymachine.m2 17:30:34: Error: Invalid model nameOfs=272/304! May be corrupted. 17:30:37: Loading model: World\Generic\goblin\passivedoodads\food\goblin_bucketofood_01.m2 17:30:37: Error: Invalid model nameOfs=272/304! May be corrupted. Edit: They got the Version 272, the "Date Changed" does not change when im using your converter on them
  13. Where can i find out the Version of the M2? Greetings Noones
  14. Does the M2 Converter only works for Items / Creatures? Or can i use it for Objects too? Because the "Date Changed" on M2s and Skins does not change when i try to use it on Objects.
  15. By this you mean, that i need to convert all Objects again? And is there an Up to Date Converter for WMos?
  16. Without the Patch everything works fine. Edit: Maybe my English is not good enough, but what im trying to say: Noggit crashes when loading any Map, i NEVER spawned any of these Objects via Noggit, i tried to use them ingame via .gob add ID and that worked, but when im trying to use them in a patch so i can spawn them via noggit, noggit crashes.
  17. i removed folder by folder and it still does not work. could you try to create a patch with the files i uploaded on mega ( main post ) please? Greetings Noones
  18. It does not crash without the MPQ. i will take a look at the directloading System and try to find out what doesnt work Edit: First of all i wont find any download link to the patched WoW.Exe you talked about in your tutorial. Second: it is my Noggit crashing, not my WoW, so the directloading wont change anything, or am i wrong?
  19. Yes, i tried it without the WMO Files, without the Textures and without the Objects, still the same. i tried different Versions fo the MPQEditor, with or without MPQ. You can try it yourself, i uplodated the Files to Mega
  20. With the Patch included in my wow\Data Folder: QA_DVD works fine Some Other Maps load, but then crash when i look around.( depending where i start on the Map ) Some crash directly Without the Patch -> Everything works fine!
  21. Thank you for taking a look on them! Yes, i am using 1 Converted WMO from Cata and 5 from WOD. I followed one of the Guides from Basically i did the following: - Change all Flags that are Higher then 16 to 8 ( so 0x1 0x4 0x8 to 0x1 0x4 ) etc. - Removed all the SBOM from 000-0XX Wmo files. - Opened the List for Textures and M2s connected to the WMO File and extracted them from CASC - Converted all M2s via the Converter i found in this forum All the WMOs work 100% inside WoW ( with edited DBC so i can spawn them as Gameobject )
  22. Could you be more specific? I am asking for help here because apparently i am to stupid to do this myself I added a Noggit Log from any other Map to the Mainpost, the error is not only happening on my Map, instead it is happening on every map. So could your or anyone else take a closer look at my patchfiles ( that i attached already ) and tell me what i did wrong here?
  23. With my Map? It is crashing on all Maps with the Patch inside my Noggit WoW Folder. The Models are Working fine ingame. Just tested the Model Viewer, it cant load them too.. Edit: Noggit Log on another Map:
  24. Is your MAP ID Right with 0?