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Everything posted by Vellear

  1. also known as "char magic"
  2. hmmm, this is weird, recheck the path, you can also see in soundentries.dbc
  3. This music can be stored in multiple patches, see in the latest. wow use a replacement in the file reading by patch number, if you add a file to for example patch-6, all simillar files(the same name&path) will be ignored in the favor of the latter but if you add the same file to patch-7. this file from 6 also will be ignored. better to create own patch, and do not touch original MPQs
  4. i'm glad, that this method is work for you Смердокрыл On winows 10, if you trying to extract m2>m2i via 4.5, blender(2.7 and 2.6) can not load these m2i correctly, only skeleton\attachments, but without mesh + python error 4,6 redux on win10(and maybe 8?) can not import m2i to m2, even if you do this with clear like extract m2 human male from MPQ > m2>m2i>m2 = simillar error: probably this method is not required for windows 7, should be cheked and added to the tutorial as "update" this way is confirmed for: Cataclysm Mists of Pandaria Warlords of draenor For legion: Not supported for: *but still can be used in some cases Wrath of the lich king(for this you can use 4.0.6 cata models with Downgrade after the editing) Burning crusade(you can convert downgraded wotlk model to BC via Koward's converter) Vanilla - I do not know any ways to build a custom model for 1.X, Koward can knows more. ------------- for warlods of draenor in theory can be used only 4.6 redux (import and export) - but this is not checked yet, i can not do this.
  5. missing portals. To Skarn for more info.
  6. out of curiosity and noob question(just never studied this issue before): since 3.0.2 all new maps > big alpha? include cata continents and next?
  7. most likely in the near future, I will no more publish screenshots. Mc-net is a forum "from modders and for modders". Any publish content from Otherlands - harms to my project. It's kind of a spoiler. And there is always the risk of mass distribution "what is this, where i can play?" - i do not need these questions. why, then, did I? Well... as I already said, "for modders". WoW modding shrinks like an old tree that stopped watering. i thought my screenshots be at least a drop of water... so it was. But it does not contribute to growth of any modding.
    Some of the custom wowdev projects - never publish their work. and it's the right decision, which will follow soon, and i'm including.
    However, i'm still here on the MC-net, in this respect nothing will change. I will always be happy to help information or advice. Thanks for reading.

    1. bfx


      That's a great shame :(, your work was always a thrill to see. Thanks for showing what's possible if you have the knowledge/skill to do so.

    2. Poisonleaf


      I know the feeling mate, There always a risk to exposing your work.
      I do also keep things to myself but don't forget there is a line between to much exposure and generating feedback and inspiration between a modding community. I always loved watching your progress and it worked as an inspirational boost for me. Pretty sure it did the same for alot of people.

  8. m2: bones> rotations\translations animations>
  9. If you are going to do their own project without a server, even free (never seen before) server, can not help you, sorry. Join to one of the existing projects, or find a guys who want to do some stuff, and can pay for this, like private servers in Russia or EU\NA.
  10. all wow modding is a weird thing
  11. MFBO chunk. Noggit rewrite own minimum\maximum height, sometimes it can do a problems, the same problem with the my Game of Void map. can be solved via: but this is not all your problems. Northrend use a "big alpha" adts, noggit never been able to work with them correctly. and you get a weird result on the ground.
  12. rate only shoulders, not helmet or chest! This topic is not intended to questions "this is your project? Tell us about it" etc
  13. I beginner armor designer, and I often dissatisfied with my work. But sometimes they look like "Okay, at least not so bad". But sometimes "something is wrong, but I can not understand what" Then I ask other people's opinions. But now I can only say that I brought this armor to its logical conclusion, or almost ... my rate 7 of 10. For all the armor sets will be made only 3 items: Head, Shoulders and Chest. It is due to the previous experience of armor development. in the future, if it will be necessary - I can finish the armor, with boots, gloves and pants\kilt.
  14. I thought about it, but the final decision was influenced by two things: 1. I agree with this opinion 2. As all the models I make alone, I hard enough to spend time on versions "unique for class" of shoulders\helmets \\ initial version of shoulders possible be left as non-set item, but because then I'd have to do it for cloth, mail and plate. in addition, these shoulders will not be combined with the helmet.
  15. I was counting on more negative reaction. Yes, I know - my work is always high quality. But this does not negate their weaknesses. Treat it as a work from blizzard. anyway, after talking with my teammates, we have made the following decisions: Helmet + chest - Good Shoulders + chest - Good Shoulders + Helmet = Bad Because layout of the armor is the same as that in Sunwell Plateu: Leather: Rogue\Druid Cloth: Priest\Mage\Warlock Mail: Shaman\Hunter Plate: Warrior\Paladin\Death Knight armor should had union design. However, I was faced with difficulties, which outlined in head of the topic. New result: and yes, thanks for the votes, but in the future try to be more critical
  16. in wotlk this was made as some additional data and "keys\flags" in materials, tex units, tex replace, alt mapping keys(usually 1 and 4), custom global flag. And alternate UV coord from each verticle (marked as unknown, in the m2 template for 010)
  17. In theory it possible be found in core of trinity, I am not a programmer and more I can not help You can also try to do a hack with forms as invisible aura in spellbook (example: druid - mana, bear - rage, cat - energy) but in this case your new class will not support varius auras (like paladin) or stances (warrior), take this advice as a critical decision and you automatically less your "power" in ghost state.
  18. mobs use custom power via vehicle mechanic(vehicle.dbc), but not the characters. these are different things! i have not the slightest idea how this is implemented
  19. The first 20 quests for new elwynn was done.
    each quest with:
    Area POI (where do the quest + support multi areas + quester position)
    Full localization from russian to english(by native speaker) (allow to use the both, ruRU or enUS) - enUS locale anyway should be rechecked later.
    Custom rewards + bag with random loot (usually potions and food)
    15 common quests (database only)
    5 advanced quests like wotlk cata+ with special source item with custom spell "use in quest"

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Vellear


      small bonus




    3. Skarn


      The level design here looks quite good ;)  I think flowers on the ground make a lot of atmosphere.

    4. scott07


      Great work, looks very natural :)

  20. hmm, this is very very strange a week ago, i would say that it is impossible, you extract these custom(?) adt via mmaps\vmaps generator?
  21. okay, good idea, i'm usually too lazy for this