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Everything posted by Allifeur

  1. Version 1.0.0


    Shadow Storm stopped being developed around 2 years ago and it's really about time for us to share some of the unfinished works we did. This patch contains maps that were never finalized, if you want to use them you'll also need to work them directly. I would have loved to finish the work myself, but I have many other things to do and it's simply not worth my time anymore. In this patch you'll find : - Dalkannes Isles (Southern & Middle parts of the area are not finished. I would advise you to use BFA zandalari assets for it) - A basic design for Azjol'Nerub - Some random works on Elwynn forest, with a start of a HD version and a destroyed Northshire - And many smaller things we put in this patch. Just take anything you need from it, I didn't checked what was useful or not.
  2. It's possible that I forgot to put some WMOs in the patch; I basically put everything I had without testing it. Can you tell me the error you got? It should give us a clue of where to look.
  3. I don't think 100% sand texture is a good choice here. Look at this picture : There are smaller herbs that come out... I think the use of a different texture could help at rendering that.
  4. Allifeur


    The one I'm talking about is World\Expansion04\doodads\Thunderisle\doodads\itk_ocean_wave02.m2 : It creates water movement and the relief of actual waves. You would have to retexture it to fit with the water here, though !
  5. Allifeur


    These waves look horribly bad... You should rather use Thunder Isle waves as a base.
  6. I think It would look way better if you made wet sand on sea borders !
  7. Hello everybody, I recently started to rework some old Elwynn models so they could fit with our modern graphics. Ingame, everything seems to work fine, but there is an invisibile issue here : The models are heavy ! This bridge alone takes 125Ko, which is way more than other similar models. In fact, half of this M2 size is due to collisions : Collision Adder gives every single face its own rigidity without discrimination. Any rope, any part of a wooden plank will be solid. Since I'm not planning to create World of Antcraft, this is a big waste of computer resources : If I don't find a solution, all of this will stack up and make the game unaccessible for weaker engines... So I would like to know how I can filter the collision adding, or make a collision sub-model mixed with the original one, something like this : Thank you for your attention.
  8. Oh yeah, that's exactly what I needed ! Thank you very much for this, Skarn.
  9. Hello there, I recently tried to put Uldum skybox on my island, but faced a huge issue : clouds were cut like squares. It turned out the texture Uldum_CloudMask01.blp wasn't limiting the cloud texture at all ! The result, as you can see, is far from what I would like to have. So, does anyone knows how to make this cloud mask texture work on 3.3.5a ? Or do I need to change the cloud texture itself and forget about this texture mask thing ?
  10. This place needs more texture uniformity. From vanilla houses to Tol Barad, passing by the vrykul bridge.. It does not render very well. But the idea is good !
  11. These farms look super cozy, great job !
  12. I really like the atmosphere of this one ! It really makes me want to go and play there, good job ! It has a lot of potential.
  13. Allifeur


    Very interesting. Since you can import your maps from Blender, I guess the process can be done the other way around to import already made mountain shapes. Visually speaking, it's still too vanilla-ish.
  14. From the album: Azjol'Nerub (Old Unfinished Work)

    So deep under the ground, the organic nature is very different from the surface, with many light-producing mushrooms and glow worms. Giants trees are replaced with stalagmites. There's no dirt around, only moss and rock.

    © Shadow Storm

  15. Allifeur

    Azjol'Nerub (Old Unfinished Work)

    The begining of a map that I never got to finish, Azjol'Nerub. Before being a dungeon in WOLTK, it was supposed to be the first underground map of WoW. Loving nerubian lore, I decided to start making one, but I never finished it because of priorities. Maybe I will work on it again, someday.
  16. From the album: Azjol'Nerub (Old Unfinished Work)

    Glow worms are very important here, they are giving stars to this skyless world.

    © Shadow Storm

  17. From the album: Azjol'Nerub (Old Unfinished Work)

    A forgotten nerubian tomb; as they are a very protective kind, they tend to hide their ancestors beneath the ground. I made this because there was a hole in my rock ceiling, so instead of blocking it, I turned it into a secret passway. It is now very hard to find.

    © Shadow Storm

  18. From the album: Azjol'Nerub (Old Unfinished Work)

    No ceiling yet. The Water Color is not good either. This is the mountain style I would the most if I started working on a wide Azjol'Nerub Area, it looks gorgeous.

    © Shadow Storm

  19. From the album: Azjol'Nerub (Old Unfinished Work)

    Obviously a WIP. These kind of structures are very easy to do, the harder part is to texture the ground and not make it feel empty.

    © Shadow Storm

  20. From the album: Azjol'Nerub (Old Unfinished Work)

    WIP as well. It is from the lower part of the Sundered Monolith, were nerubians aristocrats and viziers live. It was just here to show off the groud : Since all the ground is decorated, the actual road is made by the destruction of nerubians passing by.

    © Shadow Storm

  21. From the album: Azjol'Nerub (Old Unfinished Work)

    Notice the saronite.

    © Shadow Storm

  22. From the album: Azjol'Nerub (Old Unfinished Work)

    This floor is dedicated to food storage. I tried a flat mountain style here, and it is quite interesting I think.

    © Shadow Storm

  23. From the album: Azjol'Nerub (Old Unfinished Work)

    Transition between floors, very narrow and creepy when you're going through.

    © Shadow Storm