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Everything posted by Leinhart

  1. Version 1.0.0


    Hello / Bonjour Primo, sorry for my bad english haha I'm french. Secundo, This is my patch that i have completed with the patch of nupper, with a lot of Legion creatures, for the 3.3.5 version. Animations are fixed for all of them, and all the blp are included. I hope it will work for you. If not i will upload my Wow 3.3.5 client.:)
  2. I'm using your set and it work perfectly. I can't wait for the second ^^ Very nice, a witcher style like Oxenfurt ! Do you think you will make other colors for some diversity ?
  3. Hi, I've dowloaded it and it work fine. Retry, maybe its a problem during the download.
  4. The download work for me Lerix, so it,s strange. Crum, i will do this if i have the time but i'm a father irl so my time for modding is rare ^^( I dont now if you understand me, my english is very poor i think haha "J'aurais du travailler plus à l'école" xd)
  5. It seems awesome but... I dont now where I have to put this program, so can you explain pliz ? ^^
  6. Mais vraiment, génial quoi !!
  7. Depuis le temps que je cherche des tuto !!! Merci beaucoup c'est vraiment utile !!! J'ai plus qu'à m'y mettre haha Serieux, depuis le temps que je cherche des tutos en français, tu es le messie !!! Tu aurais pas des tutos pour ajouter des armures custom, genre de draenor for example ? Parce que à part ceinture, épaulières et heaume, j'ai jamais compris comment faire pour ajouter le reste sur mon serveur 3.3.5... Mais dans tout les cas, merci pour tout !!!